Morgenstern (VO)

interview Morgenstern (GER)

Hi, first, thanks answering this interview. And could you start it with a little biography of your group.
Hi everybody
The band was founded in 1998 by Jens , Susanne , Dirk , Steffen and me ( Ulli ). In 1999 we get our record deal with Napalm Records . After the recording of our first album ( Feurtaufe ) Steffen and Maan man left the band . Rico and Jörg join the band in the year 2000 three month before the next recording session ( Heute ist die Rache mein ) one year later we recorded the Rausch album . After many live gigs in Europe and America we recorded our latest album in February and March this year.


Your new album “Fuego” is just out, how was it received by the fans & medias ?
Some medias have a poor opinion about our new work , but most of the fans and a lot of medias are satisfied with Fuego . But the album is only one week in stores , I think it’s to early for my final opinion about the reflections.

And you, are you personnaly totally satisfied with it ?
Yes of course I’m satisfied with it .Especially the sound of my drum and the guitars
Is very powerful and this is exactly the way I like this stuff . But we have not enough melodies and chorus in the album .This is a big minus of our new work .


Could you explain to us the concept of your album ?
Our main aim was to create an album much harder and faster as our others. I think we are very s

interview Morgenstern (GER)uccessful in this point .


There are a lot of different metal styles in your music. I found progressive, heavy-metal and death-metal touches. How would you describe your music for the readers ?
I cannot describe the style of Morgenstern in a easy way .You are right ,it’s a mixture between rock ,metal and other kinds of music . In one word I would say it is dance music for hard people .( ha ha ha )


It’s hard to find a such group like yours, but which are the groups who give you the envie to play metal, and who influence you ?
I play in metal bands since I’ve been 15 years old . In this long time ( now I’m 33 years old) I was influenced by a lot of bands . Some of these bands are Anthrax ,Skyclad , Accept ,Machine Head ,Falco , Kreator , Bob Marley , Mori Kante and of course my favorite bands Rammstein and Depeche Mode


Playing a such complex and varied musical style surely represents a long and hard work in order to execute each part perfectly. How do you work all together? What member of the band will bring the basis of a new song ?
It is my job to bring new songs and lyrics to the band ,then all other members learn the basic of the new song and then we play the new song again and again and again .Step by step the song becomes a very new song ,because all bandmembers give their influences to the work
I’m very satisfied with this kind of work .


Nowdays, fast ev

interview Morgenstern (GER)ery group sing in english. Why coosing to sing in German ? Was it important for you ?
German is the language we speak everyday ,we think in german ,we feel in german and of course we sing in the german language. I can’t imagine another way to express myself .


Will European meatheads get the chance to see you on stages soon ?
I don’t think so , because we need a break in our work . The problem is ,we worked over two years on Fuego . And now we are looking for new challenges in the way we make music .


Others projetcs now ?
Yes we have a new project beside the Morgenstern band . It is a Elektro- Metal – Medieval band called Solar Plexus . I hope we will get a record deal with it ,because 9 songs are finished now .


And, to finish, could you explain to us, your vision about the “spirit of metal” ?
The “spirit of metal” is the good ghost in my life . I have to thank the spirit of metal for the most of my friends ,my girlfriend and the most important thing for me the music.


Thanx for your precious time, last words are yours.
There is no need to thank me for anything .I have to thank you for your interest in Morgenstern and I wish to thank you and all our fans in France for support and sharing the same kind of music .

Many thanxx for your questions and a lot of big greetings from


Interview done by Spirit of Metal

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