Keep Of Kalessin (VO)

Interview realized the 26th of September between Wizziac, Vyl, Julien (SOM) and I.

interview Keep Of KalessinHello, as usual, we’ll start by a short biography of the band…
The band started up in 1994… we haven’t been involved until 2003 or 4, we have been only here for a couple of years. But only Obsidian C. and Vile are remaining members of the first line up. They have released two albums and Frost & Attila came for “Reclaim”, then us.

Let’s now talk about “Armada”
The composing was done by the guitarist mainly. Most of the lyrics and the vocals arrangements have been done in the studio. We tried out every possible way to sing, every phrase of the album, so it took a very very long time to find the right type of vocals that suits the music the best.

How did you place yourself in the band? Was it hard to find your place in a twelve years old line up?
No, I played in a band with Vile for seven years before, so I knew all the guys and it was really easy, and being fan, I knew all the songs and for me it’s a bit the same because I started to play in a Thrash Metal band with Vyl and Obsidian C.

Could you talk to us about the impact of “Armada” on the fans?
Oh we got such great reviews from everybody I know, all the biggest me
interview Keep Of Kalessindia, papers, newspapers, magazines, have given us top grades, we could not almost believe it… we couldn’t expect it was going to be so good.

I found there’s a big change between “Agnen” and “Reclaim” and “Armada”, could you talk to us about this evolution?
It’s more or less Obsidian C.’s development. He composes main structure of every song, but we put elements together so everybody is happy about how the songs’ structure is. I think between old albums and now, everything is expanded. It’s more brutal, faster and slower, it’s more and more extreme for all things, even the soft parts.

Why “Armada”?
It’s inspired by films, it’s kind of main theme. In several places in lyrics along the album we have links to the title, “Armada”, and crown of the kings and fantasy battles so it suits very well to be called “Armada”. It has a meaning...

Is it the world of Obsidian C.?
No, I think it’s his work.

Ok. General questions now… what do you think of the actual Black Metal scene?
Personally I think that Black Metal has been forced to a peak and everybody is just doing the same, just recycling same old stuff, bu
interview Keep Of Kalessint there are many cool Black Metal bands anyway. It doesn’t matter if they are recycling stuff, they can make new stuff that has his own identity.

Our website is called “Spirit of Metal”… we just want to know what the spirit of Metal is for you?
It has become a way of living and the music is very rewarding in many ways because you put on the record and get that mood that you want, so music is really important for everyone else. The feeling on satisfaction on stage when it turns out so good and the audience is very cheerful… - You want to add something? We agree (laughs)

How has been the tour so far?
We had really good audiences… Hamburg was really good, there was a very good stage, a big stage, but every place have been better than we thought of… mainly, people are coming to see Satyricon, not many actually have heard of us… but we sold much merchandize also so it’s pretty cool!

A few words for the French fans?
… I was drunk last night, my brain doesn’t work… we had a day off in Paris! - Do you appreciate the town? Yeah! - Did you taste all the French wines? Yes! (laughs) - So no words for the fans? They’ll be sad! Eeeer… join the Keep of Kalessin Armada!
Interview done by Julien & N.

2 Commntarios

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celin - 17 Octubre 2006: Un excellent groupe que j'ai eu la chance de voir en première partie de Satyricon dommage que leur n'ait pas été très bon. A découvrir sur cd en tout cas !
darkaryanmoon - 18 Octubre 2006: enjoy , thanks alot
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