Artworks >> Worst Band Logos
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Friday 23 September 2011 - 12:29:03
Just for a bit of fun, which Logos do you consider the worst or bad.

Friday 23 September 2011 - 12:32:41
This logo belongs to a Brutal Death Metal band. But the sadest thing is that they hired a profressional logo artist to design this logo (the logo artist makes some kickass Logos, its just that the band members might be a little... (fill in the gap))


Tuesday 01 November 2011 - 01:36:43

American Pop/Easycore band.

Thursday 02 August 2012 - 11:10:59
Mega lol at party Cannon logo...i think the logo for Biological Monstrosity is pretty pointless...damnit! Now that ive been listening to metal for so long, it bugs the SHIT out of me when a band doesnt have a consistent logo, or when they just use plain text (i.e. Dying Fetus, Immolation, Katatonia, Fuck The Facts, Static-X, etc.)

Saturday 08 December 2012 - 07:22:19
I this logo is the word of bad

Sunday 09 December 2012 - 13:10:31

citation :
Crinn says : Mega lol at party Cannon logo...i think the logo for Biological Monstrosity is pretty pointless...damnit! Now that ive been listening to metal for so long, it bugs the SHIT out of me when a band doesnt have a consistent logo, or when they just use plain text (i.e. Dying Fetus, Immolation, Katatonia, Fuck The Facts, Static-X, etc.)

I know right, you think with all that money, they'd be able to get some fully sick artwork done...ah well

citation :
I this logo is the word of bad

although it may not be a metal band's logo, that is still a terrible logo no doubt, I can do better on paint