Hypocrisy : De nouvelles infos sur l'album.

Mercredi 15 Juillet 2009 - 10:41:36 par John_Cor(ps)e

Les membres d'Hypocrisy viennent de dévoiler la pochette de leur nouvel album "A Taste Of Extreme Divinity"

Voilà ce que Peter ( Pain ) a dit à propos de ce nouvel opus :
"Hey, its about time for an update now. We have a title for the new
album now : "A Taste Of Extreme Divinity"! I`m at The End of the
recording n mixing, a few songs left to sing on. The rest are done
mixingwise..It`s just been too busy with touring and recording bands,
and I didn`t wanna Burn myself out totally. Were happy of the result so
far, it got everything a HYPO album should have in our own point of
view. We will release it October 23rd and start touring in the USA Nov
5th, supporting Ensiferum, then in January 2010 we do a Headline tour
in Europe, after that we´ll try to hit rest of the world, stay tuned for more updates in a few weeks!"
En gros, l'album devrait sortir vers le 23 Octobre, puis ils enchainerons une tournée américaine avec Ensiferum.


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