Hyperborea (BGR) : Umbra

Death Metal / Bulgarie
(2019 - Art Gates Records)
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Falling prey to my subconscious,
Living stream of fears
Denying clues of transformation
My sentience is seared

The clock inside my chest is ticking
But I neglect the pace
Disconnected from the real
In devastating race

Scared of losing precious things,
I lose them all the time
And seek unfound serenity
Escaping one more time

I interrupt the flow of life
With my confused desires
Fear, doubt and disbelief -
The gods that I admire

Trapped inside with no way out -
Inside my false beliefs
I jettison the wisdom found
To give me full relief

And turn my back to what is proven
To be an efficient way
To let go my oppressing demons -
Forever will they stay

The answer, shrouded by vertigo
Lies deep down below
Confining it, my giant ego
Built a concrete wall

Like flashing lightning, very clear
It soon became to me
Serenity was always here -
Deep inside of me


I see them as not once before
They reach out in despair
And try to feed the internal sore
That brings them so much scare

Programmed to blindly resort
To their fear-ridden ways
In search for peace and love and freedom
They roam in a wrongful place

Through worldly gain they try to find
The light that shines within
And servitude and games of mind
Become their mortal sins

Robbed in this entertainment nightmare
Nothing to understand
Victims of their own creation
Their lifeline will soon end

You're torn apart when fear comes
You lose your basic ground
Reality seems most unreal
Vague light, distorted sounds

Crimes everywhere
Panic and despair
Faces-human masks
Cities fall in dusk

All the way back to the past
You trace the line of fear
Through generations it runs fast
The silent killer nears

Will you take the risk to cross the line
And see what awaits across
I'm telling you, you'll be just fine
Don't fall slave to your inner frost


Can you see under the surface
And question all your statements
Peel them off successively
Layer after layer

Have you tried to jump in the fog
And think your own way
Having faith in no false prophets
But in life itself

Have you felt the subtle presence
Of the Universe
Have you heard the whispering silence
Of the sentient fields

The unseen bridge, the freedom
The interwoven beauty
The silent stream of wisdom -
You will see me in the stars

In the eye of storms and raging battles
Of passions, fears, anxieties
In the middle of deafening noises
Of ambitions, envies, shames

Or in the pitch black pit of despair
Loneliness and hopelessness
Behind a number of tar doors
Carrying the weight of the world

If you are going through hell - keep going
Don't run away - there's no escape
All is you - and you again
Dancing the dance of life

The unseen bridge, the freedom
The interwoven beauty
The silent stream of wisdom -
You will hear me in the winds


Read our lips – we are advocates of sorrow
See our hands – the movements you don't follow
Dogmas, religions, you name it
Something to fuel up the hatred

Elitist knowledge keepers
Fruits of a well-known tree
Division of the profane crowds

Our names may differ
Through the course of time
Wars mind pollution
We offer no solution
The thing that doesn't change
The fate of human race


I've come here so many times
You've come to me disguised
Our rendezvous takes place inside
Our dance is secret, our steps are shy

Maybe years ago and far away -
In a time I did not even exist
I met you as I tried to stay
My bridge, my ticket, my enemy

Sometimes when I close my eyes
I see you as an eerie box
You envelop me and make me small
My Jinn, my shadow, my paradox

My darkness and my mystery
You're all the same to me
My pain, my pleasure, my vanity
You hold the secret key

I used to try to fight with you
Oh, my, how hard I did!
Like trying to bite a mirror image
Transparent wall I've hit

Drifting on the waves of self
My psyche goes beyond
Visions from before my birth
Emerge and shape their form

And victory comes so futile
Your friendship I cannot deny
That's what we are, you and I -
Two extremities that can't collide


Back in a time of chaos and pollution
Too blind was mankind to see
How the world was reshaped
Rapidly on a scale never before seen

The global warming trend
Caused by acts of men
Radically changed
The climate on the land
The heat exposed bacteria lying dormant all around
An enemy imprisoned into the frozen ground
Beneath the ice
It was revived
For final feast
The mark of sickness spread throughout the living
The winds carried death on its fiery breath

Buried dormant for thousands of years
Confined under the ice
As the soil melted away
From beneath was released
The pathogen of ancient form of life

Temperatures high, sea level rise
Glaciers melt, animals die
Decades of drought taking their toll
Global warming out of control

Soon came reports on media
Of outbreaks all around
The masses in hysteria
All citizens alarmed
A morbid animosity. No one left unharmed
Mankind's been redeemed
By full-scale bio-war

There is no time
Their blinded eyes
Refused to see
The living are no longer welcome
The measures they have taken – obsolete


Sick and tired of running
Into the nothingness
We're begging for salvation from the dread

Converted by damnation
Buried with face down
Sickness spreading all around

Neither with the Living
Neither with the dead
We're left with promises for life ahead

Urgent alteration
Veiled behind a lie
Vanity is sold on highest price

Another ritual
The insane rule
Into false ascension we were thrown
With just a reason to believe
With just a reason to break free

I saw the feast of scavengers
On people's fragile dreams
The pulse of life we started
Drained through empty streams

A void that's ever growing
Keeps the world apart
Reality and Dream collide into
Absurdity of life

Becoming self-embodiment
On false inept beliefs
We gave away our freedom
Or were we ever free?
Were we ever free?



Demons hide in the darkness
Creating their own space
Guarded by stone walls of fear
A place you dread to glimpse

You can feel the cold
Streaming from this void
As you try to approach it
Even just a bit

You think it's safe to stay
Where you are now
The walls inside define
How your life will go

So you become a landlord
To creatures you don't know
As every other living thing
They want to live and grow

And terrified you see
The walls are moving closer
Leaving you devoid of options
Paralyzed and stoned

And if you try to crush the demons
Or pretend they're not there
Before long they will strike you back
With hundred times the power

That's the way it's always been
With every human being
The one and only enemy
Is not out to be seen

And yet these mighty demons
However mean they are
Are our own dear children
Grown as we did

They make us lose our minds
And act in insane ways
They manifest through murder,
Hatred, violence, rape

But there's something you should know
About these living ghouls
They're spots where you've been deeply hurt
They're bleeding wounds of soul

They're just places in your psyche
Where you've once been shut down
And through these lacerated holes
Your life force drains away

So you have to go to them
With courage, care and love
Talk with them, spend time with them
They crave for your attention

Once you've shown them love
Soothed they will go
No right-doing, no wrong-doing
Only a path to tread

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