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Biographie : Michel's Possession

The band Was formed in 12 July 2011. Actually, all the players have played music together before formed the band, for many times. But, to realize as a solid band, they decided to realize it in 12 July 2011, and '"Michel's Possession" as the name of the band. Michel's Possession was taken as a name of their band, it's based on the story from the Germany girl who had been possessed for about 7 years.

The founder members are Widi, Arfi, Angga, and Dedi or usually called "Jepang". Widi is the ex-vocalist of "Laffayete" and still working with Genocide as a vocalist, he decides to get a new experience by forming Michel's Possession. Arfi is the ex-drummer of Laffayete too, then he agreed with Angga and Widi to form the "Michel's Possession". Angga was the individual guitarist, before he works for Michel's Possession, he works as an additional player for some bands which need his service. Angga also known as Youtubers guitarist, because he likes to post some his guitar playing on Youtube, than he thought that he needs to play in a band, and he agrees to form Michel's Possesion with Widi and Arfi. Dedi or usually called as Jepang is the bassist of Genocide, but he also played in many bands before played with Genocide. He also agreed when Widi and Arfi ask him to join in Michel's Possession. Finally, Yoga joined them as a guitarist and will play with angga, he also play for a band called Lycosidae. Now, they're on the complete line up.

The band's genre is melodic death metal. The artist that they like are Arch Enemy, Children of Boddom, Aeternam, Arsis and many more.

Source : http://michels-possession.blogspot.com/