Shaman's Visions

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Nom du groupe Ethereal Riffian
Nom de l'album Shaman's Visions
Type EP
Date de parution 09 Avril 2011
Style MusicalStoner Doom
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Part I - Whispering of the Ancients (The Awakening)
2. Part II - Beyond (The Search)
3. Part III - Yax Imix Che (The Path)
4. Part IV - Voice of Reason (The Enlightenment)
5. Part V - Light of Self (The Truth)

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 $18.45  21,57 €  21,57 €  £16.55  $25.26  21,57 €  21,57 €
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Ethereal Riffian