Sever The King >> Sever The King : C'est fini
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Mardi 23 Mai 2017 - 22:02:42

Le groupe de deathcore américain a annoncé sur son facebook sa séparation. Les fans peuvent toujours suivre leur guitariste, Aaaron Chaparian, qui continue à écrire des morceaux dans le même style et qui s'apprête à sortir un EP dans les mois prochains.

Voici la déclaration en anglais:

"No band ever wants to write this message, but after 5 years of writing, performing, and releasing music, Sever The King is calling it quits. We want to thank everybody that has ever been involved with us throughout the years. To the NJ local scene 3 or 4 years back, we want to thank all the promoters, venues, bands, and fans that watched us perform. To all the fans we gained online, thank you for supporting us. We never thought we would receive such positive feedback and we thank you for it.

For the past few years, Sever The King has mainly become an online project for the members of the band. School/work has been a main priority and we soon realized that we could not keep up with STK and interact with fans regularly.

Regarding future music:

There will be no third full length album by STK. Our songwriter/guitarist Aaron Chaparian is releasing tons of music in the future and is continuing to write music similar to the STK style. He is releasing a 5 song EP within the next few months, and is working on a full length album that will pretty much be the third STK album, just under a different name.

Please like his page for previews of songs/material:

Aaron Chaparian Recordings

Feel free to message us at any time and we will try to get back to you. We will keep this Facebook page and please continue to listen to our albums on YouTube, Spotify, and iTunes!

Thank you!"


Source :

Mercredi 24 Mai 2017 - 01:24:29

Et allez!!! ça continue!!!

Mercredi 24 Mai 2017 - 14:58:43
