Monolithe >> Monolithe : Monolithe IV en préparation
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Mercredi 08 Mai 2013 - 19:35:41
Le groupe français de Doom Funéraire Monolithe à annoncé que le prochain opus (nommé avec surprise Monolithe IV) qui sortira chez Red Reed Studio est en cours de préparation.
D'après le groupe, la musique de ce nouvel opus sera plus belle et contrastée que d'habitude.

MONOLITHE is currently busy recording their 4th full-length album at Red Reed Studio. The band’s composer, Sylvain Begot, comments about “Monolithe IV” : “Once again we tried to create something that would instantly Evoke MONOLITHE’s style of music and mythology without being a repetition of what we’ve already achieved in the past. “Monolithe IV” is an album of contrasts : it contains both the bleakest and most beautiful music we Ever wrote. Some very eerie stuff too… This album mixes the Purity of our early sort of Funeral Doom with our later Thirst for progression and innovation. I like to call it Post Funeral Doom, if that makes any sense.”
If all goes according to plan, this new piece of massive sound will be released in Autumn 2013.