Thrash Metal >> Les résultats du top Thrash 2021
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Dimanche 06 Fevrier 2022 - 19:12:10

1. Exodus - Personna Non Grata (77 points)


2. Enforced - Kill Grid (61 points)


3. Flotsan And Jetsam - Blood in the Water (58 points)


4. Angelus Apatrida - Angelus Apatrida (47 points)


5. Nekromantheon - The Visions of Trismegistos (43 points)


6. Cryptosis - Bionic Swarm (37 points)


7. Nervosa - Perpetual Chaos (35 points)


8. Mortal Vision - Mind Manipulation (33 points)


9. Evile - Hell Unleashed (28 points)


10. Paranorm - Empyrean (27 points)


64 albums cités

27 votants

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