Guttural Secrete >> Guttural Secrete : Séparation
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Lundi 03 Juin 2013 - 20:50:53
Le combo Brutal Death américain a annoncé sa séparation hier soir sur sa page facebook.

Communiqué du groupe :

"Well, everyone, this is the post that some of you may love or Hate, but after almost 10 years of creating our style of death grind for the masses, we have decided to close up shop at the Guttural camp.
We cannot thank everyone enough for the Insane amount of support you have given us over the years and our deepest appreciation goes out to each and every one of you.
When Fitz and I started this band, we never thought it would become what it did. We feel that we have accomplished the majority of what we set out to do with this band, especially with the hectic schedules we all had. Finding the time to keep it alive has just become nonexistent and our priorities are focused on other things. Our final goals were to put out one more full length and play Europe before we hung it up. We feel it was a good way to finish off.

Throughout the years, we have had the greatest pleasure of meeting and partying with some of the most fantastic and genuine people from all over the world. We want to say THANK YOU, to all of our friends, fans, bands, labels, artists, promoters and anyone who has been a part of this band. It has been one Hell of a frustrating, yet exciting ride. We have had the opportunity to create music that we love and take great pride in, not to mention playing some of the most Insane shows ever. The majority of you have been such a positive for this band and I'll say it again that we cannot thank you enough for everything.
We also would like to thank all past members for their contributions to GS. We had some great times!

Once again, all of you are greatly appreciated and we feel honored to have met the people we have, and to have shared the stage with some of the sickest and most talented bands on the planet! Much love to you all! The memories are priceless...


Source :

Lundi 03 Juin 2013 - 22:09:04
Roh non, pas cool ça

Mardi 04 Juin 2013 - 01:53:16
Merde!!! Leur dernier album est vraiment bon en plus

Mardi 04 Juin 2013 - 05:55:49
Fort dommage.

Mardi 04 Juin 2013 - 07:04:34

Mardi 04 Juin 2013 - 12:59:26
Et merde :/

Mardi 04 Juin 2013 - 19:54:58
Tant pis, après seulement 2 albums

Mardi 04 Juin 2013 - 20:42:44
Nouvelle étonnante et surtout très triste. M'en vais me réécouter Artistic Creation with cranial stumps à fond ce soir .....

Mercredi 05 Juin 2013 - 12:24:46
Dommage, c'est tellement rare les groupes "innovant" (toute proportion gardée) dans le genre...