Metal Québec >> Chthe'ilist - Old School Death Metal Québécois
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Jeudi 20 Septembre 2012 - 09:08:44 - Si vous aimez votre Death Metal bien crasse, heavy, dark et parfois doomy sans de son de drum triggé ni de "Pig Squeals", ceci risque de vous plaire. Oreilles sensibles, veuillez vous abstenir.

"Chthe’ilist [pronounced "K-tee-list"] from Québec play Twisted, Lovecraftian Death Metal in the rarely reiterated style of Demilich, Adramelech and Timeghoul – serious cult bands that it takes balls to try and compare to. Chthe’ilist manage respectably well and have enough of their own Voice to not sound like a novelty ‘old-school’ rehash."