Bliss-Illusion >> Bliss-Illusion : Intégralité de sa prestation au Fiery Silence Festival de Pékin
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Dimanche 13 Mars 2022 - 18:09:33

Le groupe chinois de Post-Black Metal / Folk Bouddhiste, Bliss-Illusion (虚极) vient de dévoiler leur prestation au Fiery Silence Festival de Pékin qui s'est tenu l'an dernier.

Le festival explique son concept en ces mots : "Many years ago, "metal" broke up with "rock" in the classic sense and established itself, making the two parallel style labels. Decades later, in the 21st century where everything is "post", when "rock" and "metal" are both prefixed with the word "post", they are reconnected in an ambiguous way. The first "Fiery Silence Festival" is a scene where "post-rock" and "post-black metal"/"black metal" meet, and it is also the first music festival in China where the two share the stage. Without delving into the origins and backgrounds of these styles, we just need to accept the auditory and live experience they give - the "heat death" comes from this."

Découvrez le concert ci-dessous en intégralité :



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