Sleep Terror >> XMas Track up on myspace!
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Saturday 13 December 2008 - 12:39:10

citation :

Back by popular request, and of course the holidays. Thanks to all who came out to show love at the All Shall Perish shows on this gruesome Winter tour. Ugh, can't wait to get back home and focus on my own music and be with my real friends, and Sleep in my own bed. We got about 8 more dates I believe, so please come out and buy an ST shirt at the merch booth bitches! And of course cheer us on for the infamous shred-offs we do everynight mid-set heh. It's been a blast.
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Still trying to figure out the label contentions and get the proper financial support we need to get in the studio and belt this record out, so please be patient. Sometimes politics far outweigh art and the Justice in the music business, as you all may understand. Lyrics are nearly all done for the album and there will be roughly 12 awesome songs. Hung out with Tim in Atlanta and it was finally cool to reacquaint.
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We are still eagerly searching for a tour-able bassist, so if you know any.. please get in touch. But please realize that this is something that maybe 1 out of 5 amazing bass players could actually nail and is a big reason why we've never found a proper fit.
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Until further updates, cheers and enjoy.
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- Luke

- Myspace bulletin