Discussions about Music >> When Did You First Get Into Metal?
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Thursday 03 December 2020 - 07:51:52

What was the first music you listened to? and what was the first metal band you heard or whatever got you into it? ( nexus 5 klingeltöne download )

Tuesday 14 September 2021 - 07:49:47

I grew up in a VERY small town and the first and only music I heard was Classic Country and I thought that was all that existed. The first "Rock" song I ever heard was by the band Jigsaw, the song was SKY HIGH and I was blown away! It was SO different from anything I had ever heard! Then it happened. I was in 4th grade and somebody brought Kiss' Destroyer and Rock N Roll over in and the teacher let him play them both. This was 1975 and Kiss was considered metal then and I was hooked. Then in 1977, we moved to a bigger city with FOUR! rock stations and one was more album rock oriented.. That's when I discovered Blue Oyster Cult, Rush, Scorpions, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and so many others. I still listened to a lot of top 40 stuff then but, in 1983 I got hooked on Def Leppard's Pyromania and went on a quest to find all the Hard Rock and metal I could. Been a Metalhead ever since. Actually owned Metallica's Kill 'em All on the original Silver Label Megaforce vinyl! I was there when Thrash was born!