Liturgy - The Ark Work -- a completely overlooked gem of unorthodox "Transcendental Black Metal," yet one which deserves more recognition, and a literal work of genius in its own right. Way ahead of its time, something which even the individual memebers themselves did not fully seem to comprehend (as you can see them in video sometimes just plodding along, doing what is expected of them). HHH knew though. He alone among them could grasp the wider purpose, the gateways which The Ark Work would quite simply leave open. Who needs Jack Parsons Laboratory and L. Ron Hubbard, when one can simply force open a much more beautiful gateway totally without any need of Crowleyan input. Of course, there is some. These days, in this fvcked up world, there's always some stupid Crowleyanity. However, behind the immediate veneer of what would appear obvious, is the hidden apocrypha of each hypnotic track, bespeaking a manifesto written in polyrhythmic guitar leads, and burst-beat percussive technology.
"Loneliness (Winter)", of Finnish band Wintersun. A very appropriate song in these days of winter and snow everywhere.