Fifth circleRegistered the : 2016-05-28
Messages: 1
My introduction to thrash started in an odd way. I first heard the galloping guitar on STYX's Queen Of Spades. Later on I heard the chugging guitar in Heart's Barracuda. I liked what I was hearing. Then a friend let me borrow 3 tapes by Metallica - Kill Em All, Ride The Lightning, and Master Of Puppets. I was in shock! "This is a THING? This is music? They don't play this on the radio! Well this is just what I've been waiting for." Later that year And Justice For All came out and I was hooked forever. I'd kind of given up on finding anything thrashy that appealed to me until recently I'd discovered Havok, Hatchet and Dust Bolt. And (in an odd twist that led me to listen to some thrash bands I somehow never got into) those bands led me to discover Slayer, Exodus, Destruction, Sodom, and (holy crap!) Kreator. I'm so glad that I gave thrash another chance after basically limiting myself to Metallica, Megadeth, Deliverance and Tourniquet. A new spark has been lit in me! The internet has made it so helpful in finding bands now. Some of my favorites besides what's mentioned above are Dark Angel, Battlecross, Death, Metal Church, Nuclear Assault, Opeth, Testament, Violator, etc. (I realize some of those aren't thrash but still my favorites).