Urma Sellinger >> Urma Sellinger : Debut album, release date and name announced
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Sunday 18 December 2011 - 09:38:16
Today December 17th, 2011 swedish Post hardcore/metalcore/emo outfit Urma Sellinger announced the album title and release date on their facebook profile.
The album will be named Urma Sellinger and is going to be released on January 26th, 2012 worldwide. The album will be distributed at Amazon, Itunes and Spotify.

The tracklist is:

1. Overhang
2. For Those We've Lost
3. Plastic Smile
4. Hide & Seek
5. Far from Sandra
6. Nothing But a Lie
7. Have You Seen Yourself Lately?
8. No Escape
9. Every Second, Every Day
10. Rise to The Challenges
11. Divided We Stand

The official album trailer can be seen at Youtube