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Wednesday 20 May 2009 - 22:22:15
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Sunday 24 May 2009 - 00:36:44
........Selfdestructive poetry......But its a way to start again.

Sunday 24 May 2009 - 00:40:28
Heres another poem I like to dedicate to my wife for ignoring me for the past few days and not talking to me. It's titled "Cuntwhore Wife"

Cuntwhore Wife
I see you get online
Cuntwhore Wife
Second later, your offline
Cuntwhore Wife
I try to call
Cuntwhore Wife
You dont pick up the phone

Now I sent over a Axe man
To threaten you to talk to me
Or else he will behead you
Then ship your empty Head
overseas to me

You still dont answer
you still dont talk
I come back home
I see the unexpected
I get Out a knife
I stab you many times
laugh at you bleed
as it drains from your body
fuck every Stabwound 
till you flow of cum
I chop your empty Head off
and use your mouth now as my own urinal
you fucking cuntwhore
when you had the chance 
you shoudlve talked
you shouldve picked up the phone
now its late
and that you are my...
Sunday 24 May 2009 - 00:42:26

Monday 25 May 2009 - 12:54:47
This is just like the recent poem, only now I did find Out proof that my wife cheated on me, so I'm going to write another instant poem instead of hiring an Assassin to Kill her and the dude shes been messing around with.

"Bukkake Cunt Whore Wife"

Swallow that load
with 7 violent white guys around you
Im still here in Iraq
I already know what you are doing
Your shit has been founded
I hope that white dude
chokes his cock Down your throat
I hope you get gonorrhea
In your cheap cuntwhore mouth
You fucking cum covered sexual diseased object
I will take this Combat knife
shove it up your uterus
pull it Out and shove it Down your throat
You will pay you blonde whore of a wife
the next time I see you
covered in jizz
just make sure
the stabwounds I make in you
dont staph infect
you bukkake cuntwhore wife!
Sunday 31 May 2009 - 01:52:03
This poem is dedicated to someone here on SoM who has made me very happy these past few days or so. However, like I always do, I will think it up as I write, so here I go:

"Erected in Love"

She makes me smile
My ball juice fills up
My dick hardens
Everytime she speaks to me
I try not to show it
But everytime she smiles
I just cant help it
I have to whip it Out
To rub it back Down

Her pictures are very hot
All the ones Ive ever seen
Her smile is so fresh
Her body is a Delight
and everytime she smiles
I have to whip it Out
To rub it back Down

Whipping it Out so fast
Rubbing it so hard
Oops! I came on my pants
But it was quite worth it
To whip it Out
and rub it back Down

Hope she doesnt stop talking to me
So one day we meet
So I can touch her and feel her
So one day I can bend Down
and whip Out hers
So I can rub it Out

Whipping mine Out
Rubbing mine back Down
She whip Out hers
She will rub it all the way Out

Sunday 31 May 2009 - 03:44:15
My, you really are a softy. That was one of the most romantic and touching poems I've ever read.

Now make a song with it, using an accoustic guitar, like a good American teenager in love would do.

Sunday 31 May 2009 - 04:27:21

citation :
Earine says : My, you really are a softy. That was one of the most romantic and touching poems I've ever read.

Now make a song with it, using an accoustic guitar, like a good American teenager in love would do.

0  acoustic porngrind.
"....she then squirted in my hand
spit my jizz Out of her mouth
I spun around dizzy
and threw it all around the room
The jizz landed near
a Portugalian sitting by
on her face it dripped
she was excited with joy!"
The End
Sunday 31 May 2009 - 04:33:31
That Means I was watching. Not bad...

Sunday 31 May 2009 - 04:49:05
I found a bunch of my Old poems on the internet just now. I was under the name of MaggotPussy666 then when I did them. Most were thought up by me and some of them were made by some bands I liked but changed the words around a little. Check em Out if you get bored reading my new shit on here.