Black Metal >> How to do a decent scream voice?
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Friday 04 May 2012 - 12:22:33
I will need it...

Friday 04 May 2012 - 15:52:48
Ive been screaming and growling for almost four years now. Here's the best way to learn: Go on YouTube and type in "how to scream"...or "how to growl". Watch most of the videos that have high ratings and take the things that they all have in common and listen to them. Remember that IT TAKES TIME to develop a good sound (for me it took over a fucking year with a Hell of a lot of practice).

Saturday 05 May 2012 - 15:48:23
i assume you're going to be doing a Black Metal scream, if so then learn to do Death Metal growls first, then just raise the pitch of the growl until you eliminate a majority of the bass in your voice... well that's what i do for a BM type vocal, but you could try to learn shrieking... which sounds like you're going to rip your throat out lol.