Corpus Diavolis >> Corpus Diavolis new album release
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Friday 30 August 2013 - 12:45:05
Corpus Diavolis (black Metal France - Bulgaria - USA) have revealed cover and tracklist for their forthcoming album "Entheogenesis". The successor of "Revolucia"(2010) contain 12 tracks, or 52 minutes of fast, Brutal, Occult and experimental black metal.

 The track listing for the album is:
1. Primordial Chaos Reinvoked
2. AUM
3. Dark Matter Penetration
4. Deepthroat Prayer
5. ?????????????? ??????
6. ????? ???????
7. Sharp Moon Devils Horns
8. Executors Of GOD
9. Mighty Satan Rise
10. ?????? ?? ?????
11. Karma Convulsions
12. Kosmos

"Entheogenesis" is scheduled for octobre 2013

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