Nachtblut (GER-1) >> Bandinfo
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Thursday 05 February 2009 - 19:58:56
Nachtblut is a Dark Metal band from Osnabrück (Lower Saxony/Germany).
Self information from the band:
“Nachtblut“ is an project which was formed  by Askeroth - who once was  keyboarder of the metal band”Sons of Seth”, at November the 13th of 2005 because of Anger and socio-critical thoughts.
After he wrote a few songs, he looked for like-minded people, which he found 2006 after intensive search.
In October 2006 the band was complete so that they were able to show themselves to the nation.
Nachtblut’s destination is  the clear reproduction of the problems of our society, most of Humanity will blindly accept.
“Nachtblut” WANT to be heared, because it’s time to Uncover the lies we Live with daily.
In our world isn’t place for pity and today it’s more necessary to keep up appearances.
So, a rancher wouldn’t tell his cows that they have only a  few days till they die.
As well a king  wouldn’t  worry his tribe with the truth. That’s the reason because it’s time to draw the devil on the wall instead of blusting with it.