Anasarca >> Albumlyrics 2010,Tour Pics 1998 Repulsive Tour
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Tuesday 22 December 2009 - 00:04:54
Hi !  >  I am wondering if anybody will read this<

We just  decided to do our  4th album next year , any suggestions about a thrilling thematic we can run on in the lyrics before the lead singer decides to write about mosquitos  again?
I think it's gonna be  about the death row again , but this time  internationally.
ANY IDEAS? You are welcome  ;D

I am also looking for livepictures from Anasarca Gigs with Centinex back in 1998,heeelp me !
>willing to trade with someSick blastfuckgrind,unreleased ;D > Eye Sea

So , thank you for taking time , all the best ° keep the  F lame burning           herb