
Дата релиза:

Toward the Sixth Extinction

Album, 01 Июнь 2009, Archaic North Entertainment

Amaranth (CAN) : Toward the Sixth Extinction


1. Anno Domini 2012
2. The Galactic Equinox
3. A Cold Desolate Place
4. The Ravens Above Indicate Death
5. Warnings from Civilizations Past
6. Toward the Sixth Extinction
7. Crossing the Gravitational Plain
8. The Conspiracy of Man
9. Enter the Age of Aquarius

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Reflections of Somber Times

Album, 2011, Self-Released

Amaranth (CAN) : Reflections of Somber Times


1. Preludium: the Harmonious
2. A Reflection of Somber Times
3. Pure As the Sunsetting Sky
4. Interludium: the Ouroboros
5. A Sky Which Has No End
6. And Centuries Shall Be Forgotten
7. Postludium: the Dream

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