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Биография : Ultima Candela

Was formed in 1996 by Dark Winds of the Night(keyboads,acc.guitars and vocals), Wind of Sorrow (acc.guitars and avocals) and Princess of Lost Kingdom (vocals).
The result was the debut demo-tape released in 1998, "The Death of the Wild". The sound was pretty much influenced by ethereal and pagan folk music.
After this period Princess of the Lost Kingdom moves from the city and the collaboration stops; Wind of Sorrow also having many different projects,takes a break from the project.
Dark Winds of the Night also known as Fulmineos finds for a little while a very talented guitar player, Claudiu, from a local band called Scrum, but this collaboration ends without any recorded material.
After this period the project exists more or less, but Fulmineos records alone a new material in 2003/2004 entitled "Pripolniza Codrilor" more oriented to ambient soundscape music with some hues of ethereal and folk touches, which will be soon released probably by the new label of Fulmineos: Banatian Darkness.
On this material are used also some session vocals done by Cezara and Erebus that contribuited to the great atmosphere that this CD has.
This material is a tribute to the mighty times when banatian pagan spirituality was alive in these lands.
This is the sound emerged from the dark ages of the pre-christian times at the beginning of medieval history.
From the lyrical point, there are all kind of influences, from the identities that resulted from different civilizations that crossed Banatian territory at the dawns of the dark ages: local latin influenced groups, Slavs, Huns, etc. and they evoke in general those forgotten years, but there are also other themes into misanthropic ideology and thinking.
From the sound point of view there are no major influences, maybe: Dead Can Dance, Sopor Aeternus, Ulver, Hagalaz Runedance contributed to define what "Pripolniza Codrilor" has in its unique expression of pure pagan atmosphere.
For the future Fulmineos composed several songs and the next CD will be entitled "Capiste" and the former vocalist of Fogland, Alteea, is the new full-member of the project and the music will be more in the demo's vein of ethereal pagan folk music

Source : label