Watain : Le groupe entre en studio en début 2010

Quarta-feira 18 Novembro 2009 - 17:32:23 by KingMetal

Le groupe suédois Watain entre en studio en janvier 2010 pour enregistrer leur quatrième album. Voici un message du groupe qui a été mis le 5 octobre 2009 :

«Reaping Autumn has come, the strike of it's Scythe revealing the first news regarding the fourth Watain album. The past months may have seen silent, but inside the catacombs of Watain it's been everything but that. The new material has been worked on constantly and the recording-date has now been set. In January 2010, Watain shall enter Necromorbus Studio to unleash the energy that has been building up since Sworn to the Dark. It is pressing against the barriers, and it can not be held back much longer. Beware the hungry darkness! Many an interesting thing is planned to occur before the release of the album, so keep checking back for news.
We are also proud to announce the return of Watain to the stage. The first show that will be performed next year will be at the Maryland Deathfest, where Watains colossal Darkness shall ascend on the main stage, May 28th, night-time. Alongside Autopsy, Possessed, Necrophobic, Pentagram and many others, Watain shall see to that holy Death is properly praised and glorified!»


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