Watain (VO)

interview Watain1) Hi, first of all, thank you for this interview, can you tell me a bit about the history of the band?
Watain was formed ten cursed years ago. It was formed by the same three members who constitute the band now, concieved out of the will to show the world that beneath the layers of happy metal festivals and internet-forums real, dangerous Black Metal was still breathing in it's original, sinister form. Watain have have since then only stepped deeper and deeper into the dark unknown...

2) Two of you played in Dissection, and this influence is quite strong in your last album, was it intentional?
Nothing is intentional with Watain but to honour the Gods of Darkness. They speak through us. Who cares if we sound like another band, people who focus on such things have missed the whole point of Watain.

3) What are your other influences? Who composes in the band?
Our influences come from the mysteries of left hand path, qliphotic currents, open graves, ominious stellar signs, black magic, the scent of the dead, the screams of mothers who desperately try to exting
interview Watainuish the fires on the backs of their burning children.

4) Your live performances are quite impressive, did you ever meet some problems as for that (I think of the dead rats nailed on inverted cross)?
Yes, we always have alot of problems, but it would be strange if a band that claimed to be adversaries of Satan did NOT have problems in a world that is inhabited by his enemy's people

5) Is it something really important and significative for the band or is it just for the show?
Everything we do with Watain is important and significant! Everything that is not we must burn to ash, for it is worth nothing. Why live this life of shit if you don't do something valuable with it? To entertain others? I dont think so! The ingredients in the Watain show are some of the numerous magical ways through which we strengthen our bond with the gods of Darkness...

6) This summer, you will perform for the Hellfest and for the Wacken Open Air, what are your expectations for these two big fests ?
I think they will be great! We have always liked to perform at big stages a
interview Watainnd people often get surprised after seeing us, even more so at a festival where they mostly just come to have fun and drink. Well, I can promise you that we will remove the happy festival-atmosphere completely from these stages, and show the audience a glimpse of the very opposite side. Prepare for real Black Metal Magic.

7) Last year, you played with Enslaved and Keep of Kalessin, what are your impressions on this tour?
We only did the Paris gig with them, since both tours had Paris on the same date. It went fine anyway, the people from Enslaved are cool and the concert itself was one of the best on the tour. Always great playing in France.

8) I read you had some troubles with the danish police during your last tour... what about that?
I don't want to speak too much about that but the story involves alot of blood, tears (of our enemies), and prison cells.

9) Thank you for answering my questions, the last words are for you !
Black Metal Maniacs of France: see you at Hellfest! It will be something you never forget... Hail Satan!

Interview done by Nordstjarna

15 Comentários

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celin - 03 Março 2010: Je ne comprend pas vraiment votre déception. Vous vous attendiez à quoi ? Qu'ils répondent gentillement avec un grand sourire aux lèvres genre "ils sont trop cool ces mecs " ?? Ahahhaah c'est difficile à imaginer pour un groupe qui expose des rats crevés en concerts et qui balance du sang moisi dans le public. J'ai plutot trouvé que les questions de cette interview laissaient à désirer.. tellement bateau, prévisible, je ressens l'ennui que Watain a du ressentir en répondant à cette interview...
New_Littlebigwolf - 17 Junho 2010: J'ai bien aimé une des réponses a la question 3 : "Les hurlements des mères désésperées essayant d'éteindre le feu sur le dos de leur gosse brulant".... Ca c'est pas mal comme influence ! Sinon concernant l'interview je suis daccord avec Celin
jack777 - 05 Fevereiro 2013: Je ne pense pas qu'il y croit vraiment c'est juste pour le spectacle comme tout les groupes black métal,a moin d'etre completement tarés,car selon la définitoin satan incarne tout se qui est mal:les meurtres,les viols,la violence,je pense pas que des gens normaux encourage cela.
jack777 - 05 Fevereiro 2013: connait pas cette forme de satanisme,je vais y jeter un coup d'oeil,je c'est qu'il y a plusieurs sorte de satanisme,mais moi j'ai été avec la définition populaire.
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