
Data de lançamento:

Last Nail

EP, Dezembro 2006editora desconhecida

In The Casket : Last Nail


1. Bow to the Guilt
2. As the World Burns
3. Comatose
4. Days of Torment
5. Human Struggle

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In the Casket

EP, Novembro 2009editora desconhecida

In The Casket : In the Casket


1. Ashes of Humanity
2. Delusions
3. Mindrot
4. It's Only a Plague Away (Live)

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You Could Get Hit by a Truck

Album, 14 Julho 2012editora desconhecida

In The Casket : You Could Get Hit by a Truck


1. Watch You Bleed
2. Win Her Over with Chloroform
3. Good Luck and Go Fuck Yourself
4. You Could Get Hit by a Truck
5. The Placebo Effect

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