March To Victory : Band Announces New Singer

Czwartek 11 Sierpień 2011 - 16:02:31 by Superfreakieotomy

March To Victory has announced that they have parted ways with long-time singer Larry Weller. Due to the singer’s legal issues the band has had friend and Lead Farmer vocalist Ron Evens aka Freak filling in since last year. “The positive response we’ve gotten with Freak from fans old and new has been overwhelming, so we asked him to stay on” says Daniel VanValkenburgh, lead guitarist and primary songwriter for the band. Weller was featured on the band’s “Victory March” demo, their “Black Clouds” and “Return to Valkenburg” self-released EPs and their Born Of Chaos Records debut full-length “Frostburg 666.” The band’s sound has changed with Freak as well. “With Larry we had a very Black Metal sound with shrieking vocals where Freak takes it to a much more Death Metal vibe, but with more range and variety, we play heavier with him,” says Daniel’s brother and bass player Eric VanValkenburgh. At first the band was reluctant to announce the change, as Freak was only supposed to be a fill-in, but with show after show of rabid fans and Will Rahmer of Mortician’s personal stamp of approval after a show together the band has decided to make the change known. “Freak had been singing with us for 5 months before the (Frostburg 666) album came out. A lot of people who bought the album were expecting his vocals and were disappointed to find Larry instead” Eric adds. “We offered to re-record the vocals with Freak, but he said that Larry put so much time into the band that he deserved his album. That is how straight up Freak is, not too many other people would do that given the opportunity.” March To Victory is in the Process of writing new material and re-recording some older material with Freak’s vocals for an upcoming release. Born Of Chaos Records has alluded to offering a discount to fans that purchased “Frostburg 666” when they buy the new release, which has yet to be named.  


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