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Biografia : Abhorer

Black Metal band from Singapore date to 1987. The following year saw the ‘Rumpus of the Undead' demo, recorded by a roster comprising vocalist Crucifer, guitarist Exorcist, bass player Corpse Grinder with Tomb Crusher on drums, followed by a split album shared with Japanese band NECROPHILE through Decapitated Records. The 7" single 'Upheavel Of Blasphemy' arrived in 1993. Drummer Dagoth boasts a strong tradition in the Singapore extreme Metal scene, citing credits with acts such as IMPIETY, ABATTORY, XASTHUR and PROFANCY. In 2001 he would join Black Thrashers DEMONIFICATION.

In September 2004 Xtreem Music compiled archive material for the collection 'Unholy Blasphemer'.

Copyright: © 2001-2008 Musicdetector Websites
Last updated: 26 août 2007

Source : http://www.rockdetector.com/officialbio,74.sm;jsessionid=B2BAFFE6F95894D5D5B206939A23EF19