Zandelle : Flames of Rage

Heavy Metal / USA
(2009 - Pure Steel Records)



She once held such beauty which was unsurpassed
Matched only by arrogance which was just as vast
Boasted of her beauty as though it was her right
Angering Athena, turned into a victim of her spite

Medusa then was changed into a monster
Protruding fangs, her hair a nest of vipers

So many tried to end her terror
Non could imagine the horror they'd see
Hideous features that chilled to the bone
Turned men into stone for all eternity

Demon eyes of hatred which held a killing glare
No one could withstand to gaze at this nightmare
Of those who fad faced her not one stood a chance
Evil gaze defeating armor sword and lance

For centuries men would become her victims
Her demon eyes brought death to all who faced her

Her island home was filled with statues
Of men who dared to face her hate
Frozen in time with looks of horror
Their stone eyes gazing with dismay

Who would stop this beast?
Who could end her reign?
All before had failed
To end her ghastly ways

But one day a hero would travel to her lair
Hoping he would not become a statue of despair
Perseus was his name and he had a plan
He prayed that it would not fail, time was now at hand

He neared the beast using his shield's reflection
His sword fell true, he rid us of her terror

So it ends, the reign of the gorgon
Now just stories told to amaze
Men now just stone, true confirmation
Of her existence and her killing gaze


I opened up to you, brought you into my world and asked For nothing in return
I shared that was mine, you were like family, I never Thought I would get burned by you
The shock was harrowing, traumatic, unforeseen, was not Prepared for your attack
Despair took hold of me, wallowed in misery, felt like a Dagger in the back

Now, my view of life is grim, my cynical distrust, the Only thing that I hold dear
You, have made me what I am, a skeptic to the core, I Question everything I hear

I am stronger now and my jaded skin cannot be pierced by Cruel intentions
I will not be fooled, no not anymore by cunning lies of False affections

Time, it took away the pain but memories remain reminding Me to guard my trust
I, have found my inner strength, conviction taking hold Now I will do what I must

I am standing tall, I will face it all, none will keep me From my glory
They will know my name, they will cry in pain if they dare To stand before me

I saw the warning signs but I ignored
The subtle hints that seem so clear with hind-sight
Never again will I be fooled by you
Never again will I just play the fool
No not ever again

My mind is made up now, I'm coming after you, I will take Pleasure in your doom
I am relentless now, fully unstoppable, revenge shall be My driving fuel
The visions in my brain of you in utter pain, bring forth A new-found happiness
I'll see them all come true, you dim misguided fool, and I'll rejoice in your distress

I will watch you fall and laugh through it all, I will Cherish every second
All the agony that you'll get from me, power that you Never reckoned

I've learned from my mistakes and I've grown strong
With head held high I will bask the power
My conscience is clean I know I'm in the right
You'll never see me back down from a fight
No not ever again



Rage inside growing strong, taking hold of me
Inner beast crying out, fury breaking free

Hunger, yearning
Fire burning
Fury growing
Passion flowing

Detestation is all I feel
Utter loathing for you
Hatred growing every day
Absolute, pure and true

Just the mere thought of you fills me with disgust
I find you insufferable, for your death I lust

How I detest you
You bring out of my hate
Abhorrence, revulsion
I will seal your fate

You're the creator of my detestation
You made me what I now am
This is all your fault, you bare the burden
That is why you I now damn

I was once filled with joy and harmony
You've brought me suffering and misery

Detestation is all I feel
Utter loathing for you
Hatred growing every day
Absolute, pure and true


In 480BC the messengers were sent
To ask the greek lands to surrender
The persian king xerxes had raised a massive force
With which he would conquer all

King leonidas felt his anger boil
As he spoke for everyone in his land
He would not bow down to any foreign king
Then he threw them down a pit into death's awaiting hand

The king of sparta gathered hundreds of his men
And led them to thermopylae
To the one pass xexes would traverse
Narrow passage between mountain and sea

Xerxes' army there soon faced the grecian force
But this advantage was undone by the pass
The greek defenders destroyed them as they came
Each advancing persian group was cut down to the last
To the last

Victory seemed close at hand

For two days the greeks succeeded holding their foes at bay
Their fortunes did not last long, that night they were Betrayed
A thessalian named ephialtes showed xerxes a different path
Persians would soon surround them, ending their bloodbath

The grecian armies were far outnumbered
King leonidas saw only one chance
He sent back most of his brethren
There he would make his final stand

The spartan king's plan proved a success
He gave the greeks the time they would need
With generator force they returned once more
In northern greece the persians would bleed


I hide in shadows
Await my time to strike
Against those who have wronged me and then brought me Strife
My prey approaches
My muscles start to tense
I spring to action ripping through their weak defense

The time has come for me to get my justice
Each and every one will suffer by my hand
Their defense is feeble they can't stop me
I'll deliver final punishment to them

Victory is mine
They will now see
They are out of time
Revenge my destiny

I let one live so that he'll spread word of what transpired
What happened here this night, my violent masterpiece
I will be more than man I will become a legend
My name shall strike fear into the very hearts of men

It's down to one now
The brain behind it all
The man in power, he will be the last to fall
I've set the playing field
He knows he can't escape
He turns to face me, turns to face his final fate

This is the moment I have sought for so long
I will savor every devastating blow
He will beg for death before it's over
Pain that I inflict, the last thing that he'll know


Bullets flying all around, sounds of battle everywhere
Corpses rotting on the ground, screams of dying fill the Air
Will I die here? will this be the end for me?

Fear grips my soul, paralyzing me
Feel the terror of impending doom
Death surrounds me, sick decaying fumes
Bloody horror, bodies torn apart
Dread takes refuge deep within my heart
Within my heart

Now I have to overcome this fear
Pay no heed to death that is so near

As I look into their eyes I can see they are devoid of hope
Their minds tell their bodies lies, it's the only way to Cope

See their hollow stares
It's the face of war
See their empty eyes
Hope exists in there no more

How can I cope with the lunacy around me?
Will I fall victim to impending insanity?


I can feel it taking hold
Utter numbness taking over me
It is turning my heart cold
Spawns indifference out of agony

So I rush to join my comrades, rage of battle takes control
Fury conquers all emotion, victory my only goal
My foes die here? this will be the end for them?

See their hollow stares
It's the face of war
See their empty eyes
Hope exists in there no more


From the ashes of shattered dreams
I arise to unleash my power
In the shadows of anguished cries I lie in wait
Filled with anger at the unjust
So many wrongs that I have suffered
Born from all the sorrow and pain
They will feel my strength

Burning inside me, taking control
Newfound intensity breeds
Sharpens my focus, strengthens resolve
Reinforces my tenacity
Shadows of doubt, no longer there
Gone is my uncertainty
No longer will I question myself
The answers now are so clear to me

I will rise (Rise! Rise!)
Reach the sky (High! High!)
Inner strength (Might! Might!)
Never dies (Thrive! Thrive!)

Determination guiding my way
I am relentless you see
I am unstoppable I am a god
None will keep me from my victory
Willful and dogged, steadfast and strong
Won't stop till I reach my goals
There's no surrender, no turning back
Failure I shall never know

Strong-willed and persistent, power that's fortified
None can impede my driving force
Take on any challenge crush those in my way
No longer will I feel remorse

From the ashes of shattered dreams
I arise to unleash my power
In the shadows of anguished cries I lie in wait
Filled with anger at the unjust
So many wrongs that I have suffered
Born from all the sorrow and pain
They will feel my strength


What do you take me for? I see through your lies
You must think me a fool, who sees the world through Blinded eyes
I'm not one of your sheep who cannot see your ways
You are the mastermind of innocents betrayed

Selling false hopes of hereafter if we follow Unquestioningly
Inconsistent is your teaching, contradictions you don't Want us to see
Ancient superstitions based on ignorance
Belief through coercion of words that make no sense

Millions heed your call and follow what you say
Words you choose wisely to hide hw you betray
Innocent suffer while you get richer every day

Keep them in the dark, method that you use
To hoard unquestioned power that you and yours abuse
Destroying anyone expressing different views

Hypocrisy and insincere humility
Disguising all the concrete arrogance I find beneath
You publicly praise all the poor and meek who bow to you
False threats of punishment, fear is your prevailing tool
You prey upon the week, malevolent pretender
You are a hypocrite with secreted agenda
You keep them uninformed and live in luxury
And if they question you, you cry out "blasphemy!"

Spread your fear
Spread your word
Spread your faith
To your heard

Selling false hopes of hereafter if we follow Unquestioningly
Inconsistent is your teaching, contradictions you don't Want us to see

Manipulate them all under your control
Twisted words of faith bear a heavy toll
If they were true fires of hell would burn your soul


Another envelope is waiting for him
Another task that he must carry out
He can't delay, he must be on his way
He gathers up the tools of his trade

Black clothes
Black gloves
Black boots
His guns

He's now on the hunt, seeking out his target
Like so many other times before
Package he received contains all information
That he'll need and nothing more

Into the night, into the shadows, making his way once again
Repeating steps all too familiar, he is the master of his Trade

Soon he finds his mark, maps out the location
Planning his escape when the task is done
Then he bides his time for the perfect moment
Taking comfort as he feels the handle of his gun

Making his move, toward the target
Then in a flash, draws his gun
Quickly takes aim and pulls the trigger
Hitting the mark, the task is done

Blood splatters everywhere
The target hits the floor
As the commotion starts
He is out the door

Back to his home he then returns
Sends off a note to say it's done
Then in a day her receives his payment
He then waits for his next one

Life was not always
The way that it is now
Much lead him to this point
Here is why and how

When he was young he had a home and parents who did love Him
A happy childhood same as anybody else
Then misfortunes struck
Both his parents gone

The news hit hard
Is world was torn apart
In just a flash
He lost all he had ever know

He was put into foster care and given to one couple
The system did not know the misery he'd face
Beating everyday
Treated like a slave

They belittled him, they mistreated him, made his life a Living hell
They were pitiless, they were merciless, deep into despair He fell
They abandoned him, they neglected him, they were Heartless, they were cruel
Filled with misery, living agony, wretchedness his only School

As the years went by
Resentment filled his soul
The streets became his second home
And payback his only goal

They belittled him, they mistreated him but now things had Changed
He was pitiless, he was merciless, blew them both away
They had been his first, it had been the worst thing he'd Ever done
But he felt redeemed, his slate then then was clean, he Found purpose in a gun

As he sits there in the darkness waiting for his payment To arrive
Something starts to feel peculiar something is not quite Right
His phone begins to ring confirming his suspicions
His contact on the line tells him they have to meet right Now

Years of wisdom scream deception as he ponders what to do
He knows that he must get closer if he hopes to learn the Truth
What caused this sudden change? why is he now the target?
It all seems very strange, he goes to face his fate right Now

Instantly he faced the one who they had sent to take him Out
But surprise was now on his side, his success was not in Doubt
His assassin lay there bleeding, he continued on his way
He would find his ex-employers and then he would make them Pay

Soon he found them the ones who he sought
Looks of disbelief on their faces
In that moment his world fell apart
They revealed the truth of his past
He'd been working for the government ( a secret covert Branch)
Who killed those that spoke out against them
All this time he thought that his job
Was to take out the scum of the earth
When in fact he killed innocents
For those he felt harbored no worth

And to make matters worse
They revealed to him
His parents died by their hands
Never had he ever felt so grim

Then they died
He killed them all
On the hunt
The rest would fall

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