The Plague Mass : Visitation

Hardcore / Austria
(2005 - Noise Appeal Records)
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Her fingers hurt when she took off the gloves
—a malicious game driven by coldness and thick fog.
It felt like deep pinpricks in all of her nerves.
Winter has come to ravage on earth.
A yearning wistful wave filled her heart when she imagined a winter
That could freeze to ice every part,
Stop every wheel,
Shatter every window's glass,
Tear up the engine and its deadly rhythm,
Make this rusty clockwork burst
That had been forced into her chest,
That ticks and ticks and ticks
Her into lukewarm restlessness.
These feelings dwindled just like fog withdraws from the streets.
Sun-rays will hit this world again
And its diseases won't stop to breed.
She thought of the pills that she didn´t take today.
She thought of the fear of fearing to fall into panic.
She thought of all the years in which she prayed not to lose control
But now the river needs to burst the dam.
This bomb needs to explode!


"Long sleepless nights came to an end.
Those times of muses are over.
They have left their marks.
They caused their sacrifices.
I recommend myself to a death beyond
All hope of redemption", she said
To the doctors and nurses,
To the spys and agents
In letters her heart can´t bear,
In a world that means nothing to her.
To be armed with joy
For all my failed and doomed romances,
For all the sweet kisses on the cheek
And long walks in the rain
You know YOU KNOW...
We, insects, cockroaches, have learned to see in the dark.
You call us lunatic sons and daughters of bitches and outlaws
But let me tell you one thing:
When you dance with the devil
You don't wait for the song´s end!”
In letters her heart can´t bear,
In a world that means nothing to her.
“Your names name me not.
No concept expresses me.
Nothing that is designated as my essence exhausts me.
They are only names.
Every higher essence above me
Weakens the feeling of my uniqueness
And pales before the sun of this consciousness.
Your world means nothing to me.”


Von Zeit zu Zeit lichtet sich der Nebel
Und ich habe das Gefühl geradewegs
In die Hölle zu sehen. Die Ohnmacht
Sucht ein Ventil und findet es nur noch
In bitterem Zynismus, denn was bliebe
Sonst noch um nicht gänzlich den
Verstand zu verlieren? Der Gang zur
Urne? Und außerdem: Was könnte
Zynischer sein als die Welt, die uns
Umgibt? Es wird (von) Recht gesprochen
Und mit zweierlei Maß gemessen. Doch
Die, die die Narben tragen, werden
Nicht so schnell vergessen wie die,
Die die Brände legten. Woran denken
Sie bevor sie einschlafen?


It has spread like fire.
It has spread like wildfire.
It ties its victims
To their beds their couches and TV-chairs,
To the linoleum floors in the concert halls.
It sneaks into every spectating eye
And into every listening ear.
You close your eyes in boredom.
Never satisfied never fulfilled.
You never step out of your shadow
Let alone the shadow of the plague.
In the glow of the illusion we scream
But spectators freeze when the train rushes by.
Let's embrace alienation.
Let's face our boredom.
Let's smash our illusions.
Let's boil our hearts in insurrection.
For we are homogenized within the masses,
Paralyzed and faceless.
Nothing more than pseudo individuals in a fake pleasure land.
But we must be aware of the plague.
It rests in our gazes which rest on our dreams,
Beds us softly in its mortuary lulling us to sleep,
Closes the coffin with a deadly last kiss,
Washing us down the gutter of history
For more masses to come.


Durch die massiven Wände sind die Schreie und
Das Weinen draußen fast nicht zu hören; und selbst
Wenn, der Gebäudekomplex liegt abseits und es
Scheint sowieso niemanden zu interessieren. Nacht
Für Nacht kommen die Transporter und der Teil der
Fracht, der die Fahrt halbwegs überlebt hat, wird
Hineingetrieben und nach einiger Zeit wird es
Unheimlich still. Nicht weit weg auf einem anderen
Umzäunten Grundstück liegt ebenfalls Leichengestank
In der Luft. Er kommt aus den Lüftungsschächten
Und Containern vor dem fensterlosen grauen Block.
Und Überlegenheit dient als Legitimation für unfassbares
Grauen. Das hatten wir alles schon. Wo der Wahnsinn
Zum Alltag wird, wird Ignoranz zum Segen. Fragt
Sich nur für wen. Unwissenheit hält das Gewissen
Der Mittäter rein und die Interessen derer, die davon
Profitieren, geschützt. Lass es dir schmecken! Denk
Einfach nicht darüber nach.


Wie muss man drauf sein um so zu agieren und dann
Noch darauf zu beharren im Recht zu sein? Solange
Wir uns vom Glanz des Goldes blenden lassen, wird
Es sie geben, die besseren Menschen. Alles was glänzt
Ist Gold und es wäre auch nur irgendein Metall, wenn
Wir seinen Glanz nicht so sehr schätzten. Stattdessen
Erlauben wir dem grellen Schein, unsere Netzhäute zu
Blinden Empfängern dieser Lebensfeindlichkeit zu
Verbrennen und vergehen fast vor Glückseligkeit,
Wenn uns ein vereinzelter Strahl einen Augenblick
Lang streift. Die übrige Zeit lechzen wir gierig nach
Den Abbildern dessen, was so begehrenswert scheint
Und verachten dabei alles was weniger glitzert.


Eyes that dry like deserts when they are shocked.
Hearts that close their chambers when they are broken.
You know them as a sorely tried
Drowning in reality.
Tortured and horrified.
Every hour of despair every minute of fear every second of pain
—great moments in this reign.
When the gifts within the plague crawl up your spine...
Conditioning remains like feverish nightmares,
Contaminates my thoughts that are still haunting in there.
Crippled me inside.
Mutilated every feeling.
Weeded me out.
Stole what was mine!!!
When the gifts within the plague crawled up my spine...
Raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame
Like wandering stars to whom seems to be reserved
The blackness of darkness forever…
And the monster carries on...
Sucking out colours, sucking out tastes, cutting out hearts, exterminating feelings.
I watched it from my padded cell window
In sheer terror in sheer terror.
Oh Lord Jesus do you think I have served my time?
The gifts within the plague are crawling up my spine
You fucking rotten monster!
I have seen it all I have seen it all,
Every move every step.
I have learned to care in here.
I have learned to love in here.
I have learned to hope in here.
I have learned to cry in here.
I have learned to dream in here.
I have learned to fight in here.
I have learned to steal in here.
In my little padded cell.
Oh Lord Jesus in this madhouse I have served my time.
Even the devil lost his mind down here and I will take back what is mine!


The worst is not to know the reasons,
Not to understand. It leaves you speechless.
It conquers your mind and colonizes your
Thoughts and you're unable to fucking think
Straight. Your heart keeps pumping
Uncertainty through your veins and you
Run the risk of becoming a mere shadow
Of your former self. You bite your lip fighting
The pain as you aimlessly walk around a
City full of scars that won't let you forget
Although you keep telling yourself to; the
Perils of opening your heart. Apparently,
These are the perils of letting other people
Get to close. What doesn't kill you usually
Still hurts a lot. It only makes you weak
But you have got to be strong not to go
To rack and ruin.


My master's voice kept calling me from the misty lake, so I carelessly ran
Towards the black waterside. I waved to her and I swear she waved back
To me when I realised that I was standing upon a swamp. Longingly, I put
Forth my hand but no-one took it. I slowly bogged. Didn't she want to or
Could she not help me? “Save yourself”, the voice demanded, “or you will
Never be free.
I am not an omnipotent interventionist God. I am but your fucked up
Sense of morality, the voice inside you that makes you guilt out for no good
Reason. You are on your own. Now let go off me!” For one moment, I wondered
If anything existed outside of this swamp even though I knew from my own
Experience that there was something and that it was within arm's reach.
Rotten water was in my mouth and so was my heart. The only choice I had
Was to either find myself lying on the bottom of Lake Boredom with the fish
And the grubs feeding on my macerated flesh or to take courage and kiss the
Face of life itself.
My trembling crescendo-ed. I let go. I struggled. I was winning. Eventually,
I found my feet and climbed up onto the lakeshore.
And with a lit match in my shivering right hand I said, “Come on, let's make
A little history, baby, and burn all the bridges down.”

Lyrics geaddet von xshiryux - Bearbeite die Lyrics