The Amenta : Mictlan

Industrial Death / Australia
(2002 - Self-Produced)
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Feathered serpent embrace arrest staggered breath
Weeping wound on heaving chest
Mask of four sun filth
Hide tracks of torture
Sear the weeping flesh
Smear trails of rot
On fiery toothed stone
Feel rancid breath
Break on suppurating heels
Tongue sup wine from
The flesh that it steals
It burns like Venom

Lips back from teeth
In insolent rictus
Touch the skin it marrs

Above two sillouhettes
Arms entwined like hissing snakes
Applaud the hound cremated
As blazing thirst slaked
A soulmate for the soulless
Charred, relentless cur
Thick taste of death rise
In flames from burning fur

Blacken to ash
Writhe in the glow of embers
The bed burns hot

Screams inscribed in smoke
Carved as knife cuts in bier
Life reduced to putrid carrion
Thrones at the apex of bones
Dead in pyramids piled
Cool ecstacy of immolation

Court of the skeletal king
Tiers of flame shed light
Set sickly faces to burn
Contort themselves against its glare

The two of cruel countenance
will them in darkness keep
Tearing life from life
Beware Mictlan


Barren Shores of river vile
Wretched dead haunt shadows, shattered wild
In carmine sky the carrion fly
Dormant blood, quick to their cry
And now the damned, fight through blood and bile
To hatreds edge, all fetid and befouled
Over sewer waters slides proud razor prow
A spectre with blade and spattered cowl

Hydra hound of snake black venom
Repugnant, vigilant, guard the Acheron
Fire torrent garrote Shadow Kingdom
Nine times the noose of the poison woes

Onward to bone gates
Wall of twitching flesh

Saviors nailed to burning pier
Their eyes devoured and entrails hanged
Crown of teeming maggots, flies
Above decayed flesh the betrayed cry

Crawl through dread arches
Of bleeding, human pillars
A screaming, organic machine
Writhing, seeping, pain industry



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