Rigor Mortis (GER-1) : Deathlike

Black Death / Germany
(1997 - Self-Released)
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A vestige at the forest ground
The smell is deadly for my senses
I lie in wait behind a shadow
Fear of night makes her defenceless
The fullmoonlight awakes the beast
The wolf that tear´s it´s whining bag
Forgotten is the wold around
For a taste of blood...

You never had a man before

I am your first, will be your last
My maleness deep between your legs
My knife into your heart

...into your Heart

Your body lifeless in the cold
My willing knife completes the work
A royal banquet from your organs
A dress made of your skin

...of your skin

I am spreading fear and horror

The forest is a place of gore
Attrocious deeds, mangled bodies
The peacefull town excists no more
They try to seize me every night
But I´m walking with the dark
With the large knife in my hand
I will rule their dreams again...


Like the light of the candle
Your life fades away
And the soul starts it´s walk
Reborn with the new day

And once again the circle starts

Diff´rents in equality
The claws of fate have grapped you yet
Doom is the sun that lights your way

Kill or heal - what will you do

Hunter, victim - it´s all in you
And then again death will arive
To suck the soul out of this life


Slipping througout time and space

A driftwood in the stormy sea
When will you find a place to rest
When will you find eternity.


Silence, darkness
The smell of soil infects your nose
Cold narrowness
Can´t move your arms
The legs like stones

Experience your worst nightmare

There is no awakening
The certainty that is real
Makes you going insane

Frostbite, skin turns black

Circulatory disturbance in extremities
Convulsively moved flesh
The bood frozen in veins

Arriving death makes you realize
That you are buried, buried alive

Reflections of your life

Passing by your mental eye
Flashes of sweet emotions
Harmonical memories
Flickerung through your brain
Soon they´ll be forever gone
In the moment you will die.


Die Eiche am Rand des Waldes
Entkront - wie dein König
Entwurzelt - wie deine Träume
Zerborsten - wie deine Seele
Vertrocknet - wie deine Haut
Brüchig - wie deine Knochen
Alt - wie Du

Die Eiche am Rande des Waldes

Die Zeit zerfurcht ihr Gesicht
In Schmerzen gehüllt dem Ende entgegen
Die Stimmen des Lebens
Für immer verhallt

Einst stand sie in Blüte und Schönheit
Doch was war ist lange vorbei
Der Wind durchfährt ihre Äste
Könnten Bäume reden
Die Eiche würde schreien

...und die Uhr des Lebens dreht sich

schneller als das schnellste Rad
Was jung ist, wird alt sein
Was lebt, wird sterben...

Die Eiche am Rande des Waldes

Noch atmend und doch schon tot
Und die Sonne wirft ihr Licht
Doch die Eiche wird nie wieder blühen.


Nesting inside my body
Growing with every breath
Taking control of me
Until I am worthless

Each time - unexpected

Each time - from another shape
Each time - quite and silent
Each time - deadly

Pushing back the death inside

I fight against this enemy
But the sucking parasite
Is taking more and more of me

Nesting inside my body
Growing with every breath
The other self of me
Death inside.


Look how noble they are
The lambs of of the lord
Fear of themselves
Fear of all sacreligious

But who lead the armies that tortured our brothers

burned our women as heretics and witches

In nomine dei

In the Name of God
In nomine dei

Tortured, banished, murdered, raped

Some mercifull hands full of mercy and grace

Look at the beasts, no need to ask
when it´s such an easy thing to belive
Just follow their rights, obey and pray
And find out what it´s like to be an alley of evil

Listen deep into your heart

And you´ll clearly hear the mourning
Voices full of pain and sorrow
Burning souls in gloomy night

But in time the day´ll arrive

When the sons of earth run free
Guiding us to take revenge
To the tempels of hypocrisy

And this day you´ll see their dogmas
Burning in eternal flames
Holy lies destroyed forever
In the tempels of rebellion.


You needn´t to run, you needn´t to pray
I´ll get you all, prepare for the last day
The once blue sky, is now carrying the signs
Storms and black clouds, servants of mine

Hear my step outside

Feel my icy breath
Come to me and take my hand
Say welcome to the death
I´ll bring you the death

Your churches in flames, I hear you crying

Where is your god now, when you are dying
Nothing will help you, nothing at all
Your Messiah won´t follow your suffering calls

I brought the Death, I brought the End
Dead bodies allover covering the land
And in the burning sky, the blood-red sun
Lights back the way, my work is done

In the burning sky, the blood-red sun

Lights back the way, my work is done.

9. I NEED A FUCK (hidden track)


lyrics added by BadaOfBodom - Modify this lyrics