Melwosia : Gold of the Underworld

Black Death / France
(2005 - Self-Produced)
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Night of Samhain

Welcome to the Samhaïn's night
During a few hours, you will see our might
From tomorrow, we‘ll stay behind the line
But till the dawn, your world is mine

The border between our worlds is broken
The gates of the Netherworld are open
It‘s time for mortals to hold their breath
It‘s so easy tonight to meet his death

Demons and souls are on the prowl
Attracted by the warmth of life
Searching for preys, searching for victims
To appease the eternal cold

Needless to hide in hallowed places
Needless to try to enlighten the darkness
Tonight there‘s no more sanctuary
Tonight my beasts are wild and free

Thousand generations are united
Lost souls ascended from my cold world
Some of them just want to see their land
But some of them will not leave alone

Demons and souls are on the prowl
Attracted by the warmth of life
Searching for preys, searching for victims
To appease the eternal cold

Too late….

Flee…before our arrival
Run….run for your life
Too late….Caught in our trap
Accept….accept your fate

Flee…before our arrival
Run….run for your life
Too late….Caught in our trap
Accept….accept your fate

Scared to death, hidden at home
You hear screams in the night
Glazing at your locked door
You begin to hear some scratching

Someone murmurs your name
The door is shacked by furious knocks
But it stops, suddenly
The dawn is here, happy new year

Welcome to the Samhaïn's night
During a few hours, you will see our might
From tomorrow, we‘ll stay behind the line
But till the dawn, your world is mine

Gold of the Underworld

Standing in cold
I'm waiting for the dusk
The secret door
will be revealed
Years of studies
have bore fruits
Ancient tales
have guided my steps

I found the way
towards the underworld
And its treasures
hoarded for centuries
From dusk till dawn
the guardians are asleep
One night per year
this night has come

As the last rays of sun disappear
I hold my breath
I stare at the rock before me
waiting with fear

A gap appears in the rock
splitting it in two
The hole is widening
the door is opening

In the heart of the earth
where the daylight never comes
The people of the underworld
keeps its treasure

But tonight there's no move
the eyes are closed
Thousand of heavy breathes
put rhythm into the night

I pluck my courage
to penetrate the way
And follow the stairs
engraved in rock
Some little torches
enlighten my steps
The low ceiling
force me to bent down

Now I'm running
in the half-light
Cause I know
the time is short
From dusk till dawn
the guardians are asleep
One night per year
it's now or never

The stairs come to an end
I walk into a dark maze
What I see square exactly
with what I read

Dark rooms and narrow alleys
are following each others
Worrying figures people
the corners of the rooms

In the heart of the earth
Where the daylight never comes
The people of the underworld
keeps its treasure

Time is passing
the eyes keep closed
Thousand of heavy breathes
are filling the night

I can't believe my eyes
I've reached my aim
I know this door is the last
Behind it, wait the treasure

Now nothing can stop myself
I put my hand on the latch
The door opens itself in a creaking

Now nothing can stop myself
I put my hand on the latch
The door opens itself
in a creaking

Jewels and gold all around
Crowns and rings, necklaces and tiaras
What happened to their owners?
I don't care cause now all is mine.

I walk into a sea of gold
I gather the biggest jewels
I'll never can, let one of them

Creatures of the underworld are no more still
The eyes are moving under the eyelids
The night comes to its end
The dawn is near

I can't make any choice
There's too more wealth
I play with gold
But time is flying

I know I should leave the place /
but the gold hypnotizes me
How can I abandon
the dream of a life

Now resounds the cockcrow

I must flee immediately
But I can't let the gold
I try to take as much as possible
But it's never enough

I fill frantically my sacks and my pockets
And slip on necklaces and bracelets
Finally loaded like a packhorse
I run towards the door

As soon as I leave the treasure's room
I see I'm no more alone
Creatures look at me with a dark smile
The hunt can begin

Driven by the lure of money
I sealed my own fate
I know my end is near
I hear their laughing

I'm running towards the dark alleys
Creatures are everywhere, behind each corner
I let my sacks far away
And I flee anywhere I can

Driven by the lure of money
I sealed my own fate
I know my end is near
I hear their laughing

I begin to ask myself
If they don't drive me where they want
I enter in a little room without any exit
Blood and bones on the ground

Fate of the Beaten

The air resounds with songs and cheers
All people have dressed their feast clothes
Several children run before me
Millions of colours fill my eyes

But my senses are worn
Weariness and hardship have gashed them
I feel the burning sun on my neck
And the rope around my wrists

“ Forward” the druid says,
Pressing its dagger on my back
Stones are wounding my feet
But I speed up my pace

The forest around me is full of life
A light breeze sways the branches
I hear some crackling and scratching
Caused by inquiring animals

But they quickly turn away
And the silence falls
A smell is given off from me
The fragrance of death

“ Forward” the druid says,
Pressing its dagger on my back
The mud stains my feet
But I speed up my pace

The path we are following
Plunge into the thick forest
I feel the burden
Of invisible eyes

Druids and prisoners
Form a strange single file
Slowly moving towards
The glade of the forest of gods

All is covered of dried blood
The glad is scattered with old bones
Some corpses hang down from trees

A disturbing song resounds
An hypnotising threnody
The druids recite the call of sacrifice

We're forced to knell on the grass
Waiting to be chosen

A huge blaze is lighted
The warmth becomes severe
Is it my destiny to burn alive?

Four young Celtic warriors
Make their appearance
And walk towards us

We're forced to knell on the grass
Waiting to be chosen

Suddenly they begin to run
And pass before us without a glance
They jump in the heart of the blaze
Screaming the name of their god

A druid burst out laughing
“ You deserve not the blaze
It's a reward for the great warriors
You, beaten, will have another fate”

Suddenly hands seize my head
And press it on the ground
I see a silvery glint
And my head leaves my body

The gods must be thanked
The battle has been won
The axes strike again and again
The heads of the beaten roll

The air resounds with songs and cheers
All people have dressed their feast clothes
Severed heads strew the grass
Litres of blood cover the ground

Men, women and children
Join in the druid's song
The barbarous chorus
Drowns the moans

The gods must be thanked
The battle has been won
The axes strike again and again
The heads of the beaten roll

Morrigan, Morrigan
You let us crush our enemy
Morrigan, Morrigan
Take and drink their blood

Deadly Dance

Lost in the moor
Lost in the night
Chilled to the bone, I run
Escape from war
Escape from death
I flee the Celtic horde

Left for dead
On the battlefield
Surrounded by corpses
I‘ve waited for the dusk

I curse this land
Which has greedy
Drunk the blood of my brothers-in –arms

Hatred burns my heart
Rage devours my spirit
I‘ll put this land to fire and sword

But before it
I‘ll have to find
A place to warm up and to rest

I can‘t believe my eyes
Shadows are dancing in the distance
A blaze are burning
At the earth of the woods

Creature the size of a child
Perform acrobatics
Turning around the fire
With an amazing skill

I decide
to come up
to these strange creatures

But I walk on a dead branch
And my presence is betrayed

Creatures gaze at me
And music stop

Come, Human, Come
We know the way
Come, Human come
To warm you up

I want to flee
But I can‘t move
And the creatures
surround me

The dance resumes
They take my hand
I can‘t help dancing
What‘s happening to me

Dance with us tonight
Around the light
Dance with us tonight
Till you are die

I don‘t know
Since how many times
I‘m dancing like
A puppet in their hands

It seems it has been
For centuries
The dance becomes
A real torture

Suddenly they let go my hand
And push me towards the fire
The flames lick my feet
Then burn my legs
I quickly become
An inflamed puppet

Lost in the fire
Lost in the blaze
Curled up, I burn

Escaped from war
But not from death
My soul is trapped

Between the bones
Of others men
My flesh is burning
This witched fire
Is fed with souls
The Goblins have found
a new toy to play eternally

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