KMFDM : Tohuvabohu

Industrial Electro / Germany
(2007 - Metropolis Records)
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Another millennium and none the wiser
I'm the one unparalleled Germanizer
Hunted, shunted never ever to stray
I am the man who goes by the name of Käpt'n K
Eyes on the road, one fist on the wheel
All maximum throttle, full pedal to the steel
Pearl for swine, the rock, the gem
Unadulterated, understated, love or hate it - KMFDM
Anchor for the rancor of the secret elite
Chaos, mayhem, ultra-heavy beat
A force in its own
We're going it alone
Ascendancy from dust
The power you can trust
With power to spare
Relax! Enjoy!


Jetlag limbo can't decide
Like molten rock I turn to stone
Take me outside of myself
Do it nice and slow
Somewhere down here in the underbelly
No words are used to speak at all
Comatose from lack of sleep
Will I ever learn to talk?
Echoes scream without a sound
Mirror pond reflects no face
Shellshock avalanche
Dialed out can't be reached
No failsafe at close range

Girls and boys
Guns and noise
Beat by beat
Be the best that you can be
Best to your ability
Your future's bright and ours to take
Do exactly as we say
Step right up, sign right here
Your name in blood, have no fear

Get ready set all systems go

Good life Godlike
Wanna see it from the inside
Bound down gun shy
Looking for strange
Go on give it to me
Don't stop let me feel it
Looking for strange
Faster, Harder, More
Last chance, no return
Looking for strange

Freefall swan dive


Ask no questions, hear no lies
There's no smoke, without a fire
Fortune always favors the bold
First deserve, then desire
All the glitters is not gold

Desperate diseases, desperate cures
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
All things will pass
After us the deluge
We shall not last
The die is cast

The fairest flower, soonest fades
The darkest hour's just before the dawn
A friend to all is a friend to none
You never know what you've got
You never know, until its gone

Ex nihilo
Alea iacta est
Res ispa loquitur
Non omnis moriar



Intimal, obsolete
I overslept, arrived too late
If nothing is as nothing does
I guess my time has come
Weather underground is overcast and chilly
Then the truth is never pretty
When you wield it like a gun
Quick, catch me, lost control
My pants are down, I’ve been exposed
It’s not the way it looks, I swear
There’s nothing I wouldn’t dare

Give a little, take a lot
A kingdom built upon the rot
If power comes so easily
Then nothing but the best for me
Hey you, hold on, stop right there
I'm only human, let’s be fair
I’ll make no apologies
Or full confession on my knees
No, I won’t go quietly, admit I am your enemy
I'm still the one you hate to love
Everything I ever was

I heard it all, did it my way
Did it my way
You can’t change me
I am what I am
I am what I am
No, you can’t change me

I heard it all
Made the call
Took the fall
You can’t change me


Mensch oder Schwein
Seig oder Tod
Friss' doch die Wurst
Ohne das Brot

Erst geschah uns Unrecht
dann geschah's uns recht!

Erinnere Dich in stiller Andacht
Mach kaputt was Dich kaputt macht

Gerade drum
Deshalb darum


Total egal

Saft und Kraft


You think you're better, two steps ahead
You got a long, long way to go
Shut that hole up in your face
With your foot in mouth, do more harm than good
Not the measure, above all things
What I aspire to
Watch your step, don't lose your head
You might just get what's coming to you

A bad movie I've seen before
I read you like a book
I let it slide for long enough
But this time you're not off the hook

We got a problem, we're in a fix
And it's all because of you
Got a scratch, a bone to pick
Well you've bitten off more than you can chew
There's not a remedy, apology
Yeah you made quite sure of that
You're out of luck, I've had enough
Now it's me flipping out on you

Yeah, I think I'm ready for the axe to grind
Got a point to prove and I never lose
Don't for a second turn your back on me
You're not getting off so easily
Once and for all put in your place
How loud can you get with my fist in your face?
You brought this all down upon yourself
Fuck you bitch, go to hell

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice
Come on motherfucker, make my day

It's too late for wrong or right
I'm finished playing nice
You set off this whole charade
If you get what you give
What you got is a headcase

There's no way to treat you right
The olive branch has snapped
You burned the bridge, called the dogs
If you get what you give
What you got is a headcase


Los niños en el parque
Son muy afortunados
Van paseando, y sueñan caramelos
A besos y dinero
Los niños y las niñas

Los niños y las niñas
Van andando juntos
Son afortunados
Quien dice son inocentes?

Los niños en el parque
Son afortunados
Van paseando, y se dan la mano
Sueñan caramelos
A besos y dinero

Los niños y las niñas

Pero quien dice que son inocentes
Fumaran cigarrillos, jugaran con bombas

Los niños y las niñas
Son afortunados
Van paseando, y se dan la mano
Y sueñan caramelos
A besos y dinero
Los niños y las niñas

Los niños en el parque
Son muy afortunados
Van paseando, y se dan la mano
Sueñan caramelos
A besos y dinero

Los niños y las niñas
No so inocentes
Fuman cigarrillos, juegan con bombas

Los niños en el parque
Son afortunados
Van paseando, y se dan la mano
Sueñan caramelos
A besos y dinero

Los niños en el parque

Los niños y las niñas
No so inocentes
Fuman cigarrillos, y juegan con bombas

Los niños en el parque
Son muy afortunados
van paseando, y se dan la mano
Sueñan caramelos
A besos y dinero


All is quiet
Nothing left to hate
No signs of life to practice what you preach
Sorry comes too late
Play a little game called blind man's bluff
Add a cause to a bomb, then set it off
First part, bang, comes full stop
Returning us all back to dust

Regret, the bitter pill of defeat
It's ever only after, only after mistakes were made
The urge to blow apart and set it straight
It's either do it my way or the hard way
No matter what the consequence

Here's a little cash called hush-man money
Turn a blind eye, get gone and run
Shoot 'em all down
Smoke 'em all out
We got bigger toys and media clout

Not in my name
Better check yourself
Play your game somewhere else
A little sacrifice for your foe
Got your sticks, your stones
A place all your own
So much for unholy war

Not in my name
Never let yourself
Stand above the world yourself
You've no authority, you've got it wrong
You're rich and fat, what more could you get?
Damn you and your holy war

All is quiet
All is defeat


What's so hard to understand?
Which part did you not get?
What exactly floats your boat?
Who do you abet?

Clinging to the status quo
Dispute state of affairs
Instead of ringing in the change
Content with splitting hairs

Better die on your feet than live on your knees
In the absence of justice there will be no peace

Spit or swallow
Pretend or commit
Lead or follow
Ideal or unfit
Spit or swallow
Palace or pit
Legionnaire or

Hide behind your pious words
Lament your desperate state
Do you believe in action
Or play victim to your fate?

Spit or swallow
Deny or admit
Lead or follow
Arise or quit
Spit or swallow
Rebel or submit
Try or die trying
Swallow or spit

War is the rich man's terrorism
Terrorism is the poor man's war

What am I supposed to make
Of people like you?
What you say is not enough
It's what you do

Cowardly bewailing
Too frightened to stand tall
Play the hand you have been dealt
You've got no balls at all

Drown in your blood
Or live in your shit


All things come in threes
Good, bad, in between
You can chance on beating the odds
But luck goes sight unseen

Round and round, up and down
Only in until you're out
At the bottom or the top
'Til the other shoe has dropped

Double dare, roll those dice
Raise the stakes, live or die
You can have your pound of flesh
If the price is right

Into the unknown
Everyone must walk alone
And this you'd better believe
Keeps us thick as thieves

Fait accompli
I'm beside myself
Can't control the outcome
Will I live to tell?

Bed of nails, virtue, vice
To eat your cake you will have to fight
Every dog will have its day
As the turning wind will change

Seven precious deadly sins
Brotherhood of innocence
Who you are and how you live
There's no unfair advantage

Paper, scissor, stone
Gamble wisely and be bold
Whether powerful or meek
The truth is anything goes

Fait accompli
Just a twist of fate
There's no rhyme or reason
How I find my way


Beautiful and twisted, couldn't help be drawn in
Fearlessly, bold determination
Only trouble you have been
Carry murder in your heart
Like poetry, a work of art
Knew just how this would end
From the very start

Shame on you
Cut me 'til I bleed, taking more than what you need
Apathy, an omen, forewarning
Couldn't help but heed the call
Your prize possession skeletons
Scattered bones laid to rest
So many secrets, I'm surprised you haven't choked
I've learned a thing or two about your sick devotion
So there's no misunderstanding, I'm on to you


Es hat mich so erschreckt
Du hast mich so schrecklich erschreckt
Ich bin ängstlich und habe fürchterlichen Durst
Ich bin ärgerlich
So furchtbar verärgert
Und dermassen geladen
Dass ich kotzen könnte

Let it all be done

Walk the gauntlet, tow the line
Hell hath no fury like my kind
Murder, madness, death divine
Seek my wrath and ye shall find

Palabras añadidas por (((cix))) - Modificar estas palabras