Infinity (ITA) : Son of Infinite

Power Metal / Italy
(2006 - Underground Symphony)
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When the stars crowned him
The king of the new reign
A sunbeam torn
The shadows of the night
When every hope seem lost
The king of the new reign
A new life smile gave courage again

The light after dark
The spring after the long winter
The lost heaven after the hell
A smile after cry
A new man for the new kingdom
The rainbow after the thunder storm

King was born to give us our dreams
King was born father of destiny
Son of our hopes
The key to kill the fear
King was born father of our destiny

In the dirt wasted land
The king of the new reign
Today a new sun shining
The smile of a little man
The king of the new reign
For the rebirth of the reign


Ride, warriors of the night,
Only into your heart
There's a new sunrise and therefore
Ride across the city streets
On your monster made
Of the chromium and the shining steel

Ride to live, live to ride
It's your only desire
There's no law, because the law is you

Fly away, fly now
Through the street of light
Like a thunder breake
The silence of the night
With your fire wheels
Burn the fear of death
And nobody'll stop your fantastic dream

Ride and search into your eyes
The colours of your life
And there you will find... freedom...
Try the battle you can fight,
Revenge behind the door
And behind every corner to


Dark, mistery in my mind
I want to escape
My eyes are blind, looking for the light
They're lost in the shadow of the night

Fly, in the sky
Ride, the brighter stars

The light, in my eyes after the smile
The smile of the sun
I try to change the way of my life
I fly away in the sky

When the dark will obscure your mind
When your dreams will be
Memories that die
Take the wings of your life tonight
Fly away with a rainbow
Somewhere in the sky


I have found the infinity everywhere
In the cry of the children
In the blade of a killer
In the eyes of a guiltless
Who's imploring for a little justice
Try you to and you'll find it in a simple song

Escape from fears of darkness
And ride to the sunshine of life
Forget the ghastly creatures
And shoot the monster in your mind
The strength is inside you
And also in your fantasy
Clench your fist and go along
It's not impossible for you

Look the infinity and make your choice of life
Infinity my melody I hear
Your silence in the night
No noise of war no people cry
There's only stillness in the sky
People say "I am alone" and that's true
But don't worry and go up to the infinity

The evil is waiting for you
But you are ready for the fight
He doesn't know you
And the power of your sword
Your weapon is the harmony
Insanity is Your only strength
You must win the clash in the land of fantasy
To the infinity and make your choice of life
People now are not alone


When I understood,
For me it was too late it was tomorrow
When I understood I woke up in the middle of the
Darkness the horizon was only a lost desire
Already far, the end was near for me

But now open your eyes and, look my very inside
I'm the phoenix who born from our ash
I don't cry for my life
A new man born inside this rainy night

Now I understand
I must change my life and change my habits
Now it's not too late it's the time of revolution and
Desire, the lion that lives inside me has
Broken its cage and now is running free


Once upon a time
In the dragons and fire's land
Once upon a time, a five knights group
They sweared alliance to justice's ideal
They were invincible

It's time to fight, invincible warrior
It's time to die, for freedom here
They gave a smile, to has lost it forever
Then they suddenly disappear

They escaped in the darkness of the night
Pursued by the ghost of death
Pursued by the shadow of the night
This is the knight's destiny

It's time to fight, invincible warrior
It's time to die, for freedom here
They gave a smile, to has lost it forever
Then they suddenly disappeared

They escaped in the darkness of the night
Pursued from the ghost of death
Pursued from the shadow of the night
This is the knight's destiny

But now they are coming back
To change the world with fire
Armed with words that fly high
We are the guitar heroes
We have got a big desire
To feel a wind that blows hard
Justice wind


I feel the winds blowing
Strong brother
It fondles me like a tree's twig in bloom

It show me how thought of the way
The sun kisses my skin
It gives me heat and courage

And gives life and beauty
To the sleeping nature
I softly walk on the earth
Mother that every day feeds me
With her fruit and make me strong

Sun born from the earth
From the wedding of sun and moon
Grow up in the life
And relief the pain from us

I feel the winds glowing
Why reaching the sun
Freezing is just a dead sleeping dream
Now I know how tough was the way
The sun kiss my skin
It gives me heat and courage


I, how many times I try to fly
I flown with the dreams in my mind
And now I know
What my aim and my destiny were
I, how many times I had try to fly

Searching my way in my life
Nobody know what is my face and my task

In the darkness of your mind
Always live at little light
Wisdom will be your sunrise
It's a dream that never die

Anonimo, I fly in the sky
I ride the stars of heaven
And nobody know what is my destiny
The theatre of the opera
Today has find his leading actor
It's time to stage your dreams
To play with madness and to kick your fear

I, how many time I tried
I try to fly high in the night
Nobody know what is my place in the sky

I, how many times I had try
Ramagin my pocket for happiness
Without I know what I was going to find


When the stars crowned him
The king of the new reign
A sunbeam torn the shadows of the night
When every hope seem lost
The king of the new reign
A new life smile gave courage again

The light after dark
The spring after the long winter
The lost heaven after the hell
A smile after cry
A new man for the new kingdom
The rainbow after the thunder storm

King was born to give us our dreams
King was born father of destiny
Son of our hopes
The key to kill the fear
King was born father of our destiny

In the dirt wasted land
The king of the new reign
Today a new sun shining
The smile of a little man
The king of the new reign
For the rebirth of the reign

11. ...YOU HAVE TO

If I watch into your eyes, I see the light of the
moon, my little lonely friend.
You still have much road to cover,
But one day you will arrive,
And peace you will find
You have to go and don't look back,
Is what you have to do

You have to go across the time,
And travel to a dream,
Someone's waiting for you
Leave to my destiny, and run far away
My life is ending here

Forget the fear and all the blood,
Spilled in this battlefield
This war is not the life

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