Gloria Morti : Lateral Constraint

Black Death / Finlande
(2012 - Cyclone Empire)
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This is where I stand, hopes and false beliefs are
A gateway that leads to suffering, it's time to say enough is enough

I will take my stand, morality is innate!

My message is a scientific one, there really is no god
Base your life on things that are not to ones you wish to be

Show me a moral act that only a believer can make
There is no case for faith to proclaim morality
In these times when tolerance is dead, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

I will take my stand, morality is innate!

Occams razor, the probability, think for yourself, do not bend
Scrutinize, do not take for granted, don't take part in the indoctrination

I will take my stand, morality is innate!

My message is a scientific one, there really is no God
Base your life on things that are not to ones you wish to be


You pathetic beings, claiming a farse of an intelligentia
No intelligence can co-exist with suffering
Mere ants in the vast ocean of cooling nothingness

I will not tolerate! Murder to make a point!
Take a stand and pile the bodies, we must no tolerate!

The first act in demanufacturing "intelligence"
There is no room for us both

You deluded animals, claiming a false sense of hope
No intellect can grow with suffering
Mere apes fighting for reasons drained from existence

I will not tolerate! Murder to make a point!
Take a stand and pile the bodies, we must no tolerate!

Throat slit as a means to inform the blind of modern mans stupidity
The true nature of humanity hidden to false hope and empty promises
Spread chaos and suffering, rape, murder and tear apart!
Fight fire with fire, spilled blood to cleanse the Earth

I will not tolerate! Murder to make a point!
Take a stand and pile the bodies, we must no tolerate!

Throat slit as a means to inform the blind of modern mans stupidity
The true nature of humanity hidden to false hope and empty promises
Spread chaos and suffering, rape, murder and tear apart!
Fight fire with fire, spilled blood to cleanse the Earth

Primum non nocere!

Throat slit as a means to inform the blind of modern mans stupidity
The true nature of humanity hidden to false hope and empty promises
Spread chaos and suffering, rape, murder and tear apart!
Fight fire with fire, spilled blood to cleanse the Earth


From death I borrow the notion, we must fight to be human
Blood must flow like in my dreams
We must drown ourselves in it's cold hue

Our only true God is war, cleansing, making room
Death to validate and to undo, life to overcome and to exploit

Devour - your existence
Consume - your fellow man
Utilize - the means
Die - and be forgotten

From life I borrow the question, why must we fight to be human?
There is no human nature, our leaders define our thoughts

Our only true God is war, cleansing, making room
Death to validate and to undo, life to overcome and to exploit


When the shockwave burns you all
You realize that you lived solely for you
Nothing is going to redeem the life you have lived, in vain
I will kneel down on your forgotten grave
With a smile that never touched this face
And I will let my voice be heard
I'll bring the truth to the ones willing to listen

It's too late to start the never-ending
Argument about your place in the cosmos
You just don't understand that the
Universe is not made with you in mind
Too late to start counting the right and wrong
In your meaningless existence
Life, death nor omniverse do not owe you anything, not a thing

What the hell have you done to the Earth?
It doesn't feel like home anymore
Polluting for reasons of pure idiocy
Pouring death to oceans for your own gain

One life to spare, one life to make things right
One death to end it all, because, only one death to spare

You are meaningless, you just don't matter
Live with that in mind, stop living solely for your ego

The aesthetics of self hyperbole
Finding meanings from meaningless places
Trying to make yourself count by asserting
Notions of origin and final direction
The universe is going to end in heat
Death without your thoughts in sight
All ends, nothing is going to get better
Life simply closes her eyes

What the hell have you done to the Earth?
It doesn't feel like home anymore
Polluting for reasons of pure idiocy
Pouring death to oceans for your own gain

One life to spare, one life to make things right
One death to end it all, because, only one death to spare


Organized machinery to feed of the unfortunate
No mercy, no thought, blame is on the ones who suffer
Out from sight, out of mind, keep on grinding
Don't lose sleep, you haven't done anything wrong

Ants marching with lines perfectly in check
Marching to a beat with no-one in charge
Do not reorganize, do not think
March to the beat with yourself in mind

Close-minded and ill-suited a cancer to the planet
We have gone too far, too far from the truth

You'll need to sleep, you'll need to kill
You'll need to regress, you'll need to follow

Sleep, kill and follow you mindless fools
You think you are just in a waiting room
Ready to be taken up to the heavens
Like your life really weighed something

Close-minded and ill-suited a cancer to the planet
We have gone too far, too far from the truth

You'll need to sleep, you'll need to kill
You'll need to regress, you'll need to follow


Where is this all headed? Fire and brimstone to swallow the Earth
Nothing to gain, nothing to lose, pillar or smoke that obscures your sight

Gazing with your tunneled vision
you try to find meaning and explanation
And no matter what you do the blood won't come off

Brake off the chains of humanity
Free yourself from the shackles, proclaim!
You are not predetermined in existence
Embrace the sigh between deaths, proclaim!

The fallacy of humanity lies in what we all believe
In what we believe about ourselves and life
It is engraved deep into our minds and thoughts
The only way to be truly free is to proclaim what's ours

The unfathomable consequence
Of our willingness to be consumed

Delusion to contort us in the time of need
Misconception to guide our children to the path
Chimers to keep us from understanding
Mirage to suck us into the vortex

Break off the chains of humanity
Free yourself from the shackles, proclaim!
You are not predetermined in existence
Embrace the sigh between deaths
HalluciNations! One death to end it all, because
Only one death to spare


Torn from death to malevolence, bound to an existence in chains
A heartbeat in the history of the universe, here only to suffer and fade

Freedom is a projection

Death will always rest his hands on our shoulders
Whispering the ancient words, blowing deliverance on our distress
Finally freeing us from restraints

Freedom is a projection

Slaves to their will, slaves to their system
Slaves to our masters, slaves to existence

The sky fills with birds, covering the dawn
When the night was finally about to refract
Bond between grief and hope shrivels

The fortune, free from restraints

Freedom was a projection

Slaves to their will, slaves to their system
Slaves to our masters, slaves to existence


I bring forth my inmost convictions
The facts open for anyone to see
The truth lies in what can be shown
There is no metaphysics to be known

When I die I will not fight thru
When I die I'll just return to the cycle

But I'll have the patience
The patience to console myself with grief

As a much wiser man once said:
"I do not fear death, I was dead for billions
And billions of years before I was born
And had not suffered the slightest
Inconvenience from it"

When I die I will not fight thru
When I die I'll just return to the cycle

I am the non-believer, I am the anti-theist
I believe only in things that are true
I am the non-believer, I am the anti-theist
I will live my one and only life for me alone

There is room for awe and wonder
But only inside the life we are living
I will not fight truth or love outside
The only true meaning is to be found inside

When I die I will not fight thru
When I die I'll just return to the cycle

But I'll have the patience
The patience to console myself with grief


Do not flinch, don't say a word, the war has been fought well
You are in the trenches, fighting your way to death

The divine is a fraud

The divine is a palpable fraud, a means to keep the rows in check
You are in the trenches, fighting your way to death

The divine is a fraud

Man derives a meaning for life, not from a divine mandation
In this illusion of meaningfulness there is no right or wrong

You have the ability to weigh, to know what's good, what's bad
Do not run from the truth, do not transfer responsibility

The absurd notion of meaning, in this frame of reference
You were in the trenches, fighting your way to death

Man derived a meaning from life, not from a divine mandation
in this illusion of meaningfulness there is no right or wrong


Can you see what is wrong with the picture?
You live in an illusion
Trying to inject the world with your meaning
Never giving a single thought

Rid the hallucinations and Gods, we need to live for the truth
For in truth lies progress, for in truth we shall breath again

Religion is man made, and we must free ourselves
The system is shattering in front of our eyes
We need to choose the next step wisely

Those who offer false consolation are false friends
We'll need to start breathing again
Shake of the chains form your children's future
We'll need to bring down the lateral constraint

Keep on using the resources, live for your ego
Your children will pay, they'll pay for the constraint

Religion is man made and we must free ourselves
The system is shattering in front of our eyes
We need to choose the next step wisely

Those who offer false consolation are false friends
We'll need to start breathing again
Shake of the chains from your children's future
We'll need to bring down the lateral contraint

paroles ajoutées par RagnaGrind - Modifier ces paroles