Dreaming : Smirten Proben

Doom Metal / Germany
(1994 - Self-Released)
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Can´t you see the ravens fly
There is no integrity
Can´t you see the ravens in the sky
They show you the misery

Feel the blood, taste the blood
Freeze your mind and you are dead
Without mind you are not human
You´re a zombie dressed to kill

It´s wartime
No rules
It´s wartime
Everything you can do

Like a puppet you are now
A "Führer" rules about your destiny
You can only fight, for whom?
Die and you can see your stupid life

It´s wartime...

Wartime is over, for you
Others now killing, for you
Like human animals, like you
Wartime is over, only for you


I go
Straight to northland
I go without you
Just to find the grail
Which offers me the things
Causing my lonelyness
Just for one, who needs me

So I went
To the northland
Cause there were no friends of mine
And I found the grail in eternal ice
It offered me friendship
Friendship, the result of the grail
Not of mine

I went
To northland, again
Together with the false friends
Following the grail, not me
Following the grail him into the eternal ice
Where I left them
And the grail of the false friends
They stood in the eternal ice
Together with the grail, ´til they died


An icy shudder blows over my head
A cold hand clings to my brain
The breath goes harder
And the silence is unbearable loud

The street resounds by my steps
You can´t rescue me
Your life is too small for it
And the darkness slowly creeps

An empty sun burns in my eye
Dying birds scratching the face
I´ll defend myself, but I feel
Noone will believe me sometime

These dreams are depressions
This life is fear
This world is not mine
And I have no illusions


Noone who pretends
To know me
Does it really
I´m only a shade of me

I go my way
Out of the haze
Into the haze
Without leaving a trace

I´m only a shadow
The life left behind
Coming from nowhere
And melting away sometime

You don´t know me
But you feel my presence
And you will miss me
When you see your lonesome existence


My friend ralf, is a happy person
He can´t imagine, to suffer any time
He still got the first job, the first wife
He drives a car, without repairing

If he dies sometime
1. Ralf, the friend of mine
Insanity or cancer won´t be the reasons for
2. Hell go
Fast to heaven
The passing by the devil´s door

He is dancing, like a swan
He´s got beautiful, emptiest eyes
His garden looks, like paradise
His grease, is razor sharp

If he dies sometime
1. Ralf, the friend of mine
Insanity or cancer won´t be the reasons for
2. Hell go
Fast to heaven
The passing by the devil´s door

People love him


Taste it
Feel it
Smoke a candle
And you feel free

Inhale it
Straight to your lung
Candlesmokers dream
Comes true

If you smoke a candle
You can be proud
You´re on the sams way
Like dreaming

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