Death Angel : The Long Road Home

Bay Area Thrash / USA
(2007 - Universal Music Group)
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Sitting at the window staring down
Listen to the people shuffle around
Hear the children laughing
Feel the morning breeze
Sunlight warms his skin
The autumn air is taken in
A nearby bird sings its song for him

A room with a view
You're looking at him
He's looking through you
A room with a view
Who's fooling who
There's got to be something that he knew

So there he sits and some may wonder
About the sly grin on his face
Yet little do they know
(they don't have a clue)
The boundaries of his wisdom
In the solitude of his kingdom


Affectation was an early sign
Of a twisted mind
All virtues had faded away
Apprehension made her cold
But warm she was inside
The child within her died
And left her with a heart of stone

Surface anger was a thin disguise
Yet at night she cries
Behold the pain in her eyes
Degradation was a grind
Her true self left behind
Compassion you will find
Hidden by a veil of deception

And so the story goes
That's the way she chose to live her life
And anybody knows
The way it feels when you hurt inside
She's running from herself
The game of life in which she played

Looking back upon the early years
There was room for tears
But she chose to push them away
Condemnation was a vice
She chose to roll the dice
And so she paid the price
Misery was her only friend

Inner feelings were a neutral zone
Though she tried to condone
In a world she faced so alone
Her salvation came too late
And on that day she died
No one even cried
Forgot about the veil of deception

And so the story goes
That's the way she chose to live her life
And anybody knows
The way it feels when your hurt inside
She's running from herself
The game of life in which she played


Drifting on an endless sea
On our way to nowhere
Oblivious to our destiny
Slowly drifting on and on and on

Wander far away too far
Trapped in a timeless void
Changing with the shifting wind
Never can see an end
It's a real vague story
Impossible to perceive
A seemingly endless time

Passing through eternity
Still devoid of meaning
Useless to inquire upon
The fate that we shall suffer on

Destitute still lost at sea
On the ship of sorrow
Past the point of no return
Today is merely yesterday's tomorrow

4. EX-TC

Black covers the mass
The mist it's so dense
It's soothing to breathe
I reach out my hand
Into the sights
Yet I grasp nothing

All seems different to me
What I've seen before

Yearn for the feel
The warmth that's inside
A childish grin
I joyfully scream
To deafened ears
It's time to begin

All seems different to me
What I've seen before
Can't help but notice
Hidden feelings I had stored

You stare at me
As if I am strange
My eyes open wide
I feel the beauty
Of all around
Then run through the tides

Come into my place
There is great pleasure
In what you will find
I throw away hate
That's how you tell
X is on my mind


Stop! Drifting Fool
The Truth I Must Bestow In You
Many Times I've Seen
Men As You Then I Smashed Their Dreams
Reason Of No Cause
Besides I Myself Set The Laws
You Won't Be Set Free
From Internal Fears Implanted By Me

Feeding Off His Hand
As If He Was Your Master
Serving His Demand
I Want To Talk About It

I'll Guide You Only Right
Yes My Child To The Light
Many Seem To Fear
What If Their Peers Happen To Hear
That He Believes In The Truth
Oh What A Shame To Rebellious Youth
Take It From Me
The Cowards Are Those Who Cease To See

I Can't Tell You What To Do
I Can't Tell You What To Say
Only Can Advise You
Help You Along The Way
Smash The Mental Wall
That Was Forged In Your Brain
Tune Into Reality
And Break Free From The Pain
Giving All Possessions To Just A Name
Tune Into Reality A Mortal Human Reigns


Led to the slaughter by those who were there to protect
Nailed to the cross then put on display to dissect
Dignity stripped like flesh being ripped from the bone
Sentence: death by mongrels to which you are thrown

Here comes the pack
Come to attack
Blood in their eyes
No compromise
Thrown to the wolves
Left there to die

Hiding from shadows that chase by the light of the moon
Choking on lies overflowing in silver spoons
Told of the cities of gold and a thousand delights
Fed to the dogs that hunt in the dead of the night

Here comes the pack
Come to attack
Blood in their eyes
No compromise
Thrown to the wolves
Left there to die

Behold i send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves
As the brother shall deliver up the brother to death

Beg for a life that is worth not a dime to their kind
Pleading for mercy from those that would leave you behind
Betrayed with a kiss by the blackened soul you will save
Burned at the stake so the jackals can piss on your grave

Here comes the pack
Come to attack
Blood in their eyes
No compromise
Thrown to the wolves
Left there to die


Dream awake eyes open wide
Drain the poison kill the lie
Life is now there is no end
Never know what might have been

Spirit never fade away
I can never forget that day
Beyond the grave
Spirit never fade
Never fade away
Spirit never fade

Things that you fear the most
The same damn things you hold close
Try hard as steel till nothing's left
It'll come when you least expect

Spirit never fade away
I can never forget that day
Beyond the grave
Spirit never fade
Never fade away
Spirit never fade

In your mind suspended in time
Different lives different times
Worls collide memory blinds
Peace is hard to find
Spirit or ghost
Have i lost my mind
Hope is alive
Carry us through time

Dream awake eyes open wide
Drain the poison kill the lie
Life is now there is no end
Never know what might have been

Spirit never fade away
I can never forget that day
Beyond the grave
Spirit never fade
Spirit never fade
Never fade away
Spirit never fade
Never fade away


His eyes are fiery
The flame burns within
He wreaks of murder
His mind filled with sin
The sickening stench
Of blood on his breath
This villainous beast
This angel of death

They hear the noise
The people in the town
They cringe in fear
Frightened by the sound
A sacrifice is required to live
Must choose a girl
In which they must give

Victim is falling
Many died without a sound
Victims crawling
Bodies laying all around

He once was a clergy man
Swore to bring peace to lands
Lustful doings not foreseen
He blames it on Satan's screams

His mind is twisted
Schizophrenic freak
Once in his presence
Demons dare not speak
His piece of meat
Must be young and fresh
He loves to feast
Upon her tender flesh

Now he has risen
Holy powers fell
Anti religion
Mercenary from hell
The town has fallen
Southeast of Wales
In this backwards legend
The evil priest prevails

Men were slaughtered left and right
Virgins couldn't sleep at night
Raping many, victims fell
This evil priest was born in hell !!!


In the night
In the circle of death
They congregate to hold a feast
There lies a body in the center of the ring
Each human soon becomes a beast

They sing the song to glorify the dead
They chant, the chant eternal life
The master sails as he lifts the gleaming blade
The sound of flesh sliced by the knife

Men without anguish
Men without fear
Men chosen to ride the earth
Evil confrontation nears

These mindless sinners
Sit there without
Greed, not even grief
The final incision
Having now been complete
As these ominous demons
Start to eat

A strident hum
Lurks through the room
The bloody bath to set them free
As they fulfill their long awaited dream
A bloody orgy of intense ecstasy


(No lyrics available)

11. 3rd FLOOR

Trapped by iron bars
Solitary ripping at me inside
A victim of this crazy ward
Must get out of here
No one gets out of here

Force fed medication
The more I take the sooner I'm free
Contributing to my mind's abduction
Can't they see it's tearing me
Can't they see it's killing me

Welcome to the 3rd floor
It's a one way trip
Then they lock the door

More than just a crazy nightmare
Doors opened up and swallowed me
Banished from existence
Why'd they ever throw away the key
Will I ever be set free


Enter her lair
Deep in her lair
The tension you feel
Is burning inside
You meet her at last
It happened so fast
The look in her eyes
There's nowhere to hide
Pain on her mind
Eternal and blind
Everything's black
But you're turning white
She knocks you down
Whips you around
Nothing is heard
But your screams in the night

Mistress of pain
Lady of domination
Executes her discipline
Upon her bonded slaves
Lashing you with her whips
Keeping you bonded in chains
Drool starts to seep through her lips
Gets off on affliction of pain
Violence in her eyes
Insatiable lust
Terminal mistake
Face to face with death

lyrics added by fabmetal - Modify this lyrics