Cesspit : Demolition Factory

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Cover with the blood of the bodies who are lying around me
They slowly suffered in this long agony

Why ? I can't explain it
It gives me like a shock
Hemoglobine must be spread
I am in an amok

It happens when it wants a second personnality
There's someone else in me eviler and crazier than me
So I can't support life around me I lost all reason, taken by the fury

A need to decimate and to hurt, violence is my reaction

Crush the nose and break the teeth
I destroy your face
Pock the eyes until it bleeds in the cavities
Lacerate the abdomen and spill the guts from the stomach
Break the bone and extirp the brain
from the skull

The fear in his eye, the torture in my mind
Sweat runs down on his pale face the knife is under his throat
Face to face with the death, a sadistic rictus wrinkle my face
His eyes are exhorbiting, my blade has just pierced belly

It doesn't during a long time
The massacre is commited I come back to normal
The smell of death is in the air
They've got to suffer, to suffer

For my own pleasure, they are put to death
This short madness made of pure violence
Your life is erased if you fall at the wrong moment
So stand far from me, avoid me when you can

The blood is gushing, the skin is ripping
The tears are falling : my goal is reach !

Die ! We all have to die one day
Die ! But your day is today
Die ! No more destiny, no more life
You'll die ! If you stand on my way

Before us... (The Dawn)

Is announced for all living
The war on Earth, the war in the sky
Braves are following the killed father
Against the world of flames and it's warriors

Months colder than all winters combined
The feathered giant has lost the tempest's control
The wolves brothers have devoured the sun's and moon's chariot
On the iced earth has reigned the sword's era

Through hundreds of gates armours are sparkling
Axes, shields, hammers are brandished
And everyone is screaming for Asgard
It's the last charge, veins are filled up with rage
The inevitable final clash
All know the outcome

''Fighting without rest, without hope
The battle celebrates the power of life
Fighting for the highest wisdom''
Was the answer made to the One-Eyed god

Sword in the hand, they had to hold their destiny

At Vigrid only death decides
Smashed shields, cracked swords, harmless magic
Black Ase and white Ase dominate the Ragnarok
And end up killing each others
Destruction, mutilation
Seven colors off, black sky

The two ravens look
On the ground, the brave's faces
Monsters, corpses and other beings
From fire and night are rising

Where will be the Wallala ?

Spread fire on the world
All the universe becomes red
Before sinking in the night

This morning, there was
The rooster at the golden comb who was singing
Now the white beak of the eagle
Is shredding bodies with no life

Is shredding bodies with no life
Before sinking in the night

Legal Lies

A riot is what we need and what we want
A war against the pigs and the cowards who are blinding weaks
Insecurity and fear fill their way of life
They are hiding the truth behind the hate

Your mind is a bomb : you've got to throw it against
The bastards, the scumbags who try to dictate your fate !
Don't give your ass : you've got to rise !

We are here to get one's kicks, will we live under the bondage ?

Fuck off the ones who tell you : ''go my way,
You've just to do what I'm saying !''
The rats are back for bringing back the plague
Freedom is devoured by these vultures

Your mind is a bomb : you've got to throw it against
The bastards, the scumbags who are sealing your fate !
Watch all over you : the fascists pullulate

We are here to get one's kicks, will we live under their yoke ?

All around you the fascists, the nazis are growing,
The youth is confined, brains are washed
Minds full of hate for the stranger,
they laud the ''white power'', can you believe it ?
Skinheads march past with rised hand,
The swastika reflaps, we can't accept it anymore !
Come on it's time to rise up, no more standing face down
Is there nothing which outraging you ?

Racism, segregation are their rules
Pure race, ethnic cleansing is what they're waiting
Weaks are ready to serve hate and violence
The blood of the scapegoat's has been already spilled

As it wasn't sufficient
To hear the horrors of the past
History was a lesson to us
Yet genocides still remain

Legal lies must be prohibited
Legal lies must be erased

Rise ! Nazis must back to their graves
And eternally rotting in !

Cadaveric State

Throw me in a grave
Waiting for my decease
Rotting !

Hope I won't come back
My fury is worst than everything
Thrilling !

See my body in pieces
Choped in half, dismembered
But I'm still reforming
Cursed !

You can try to steal my soul
I'm not like the others :
I am a living dead
Undead !

Look at my bleeding, my blood is not red
Putrified liquid is spurting out my veins
Vile !

I'm dead outside
But inside, I'm living
Living !

The shaman has shouted his spell
The spirit of the undead
Has seized my soul, my life
But I'm alive :
I feel them in my nerves
The sensations after death
Inexhaustible need of flesh and need of blood !

The left overs of my heart is beating inside me
My orbits are empty, but I still can see
Back from the grave, thirsty of life
How will you kill something that can't die ?

All my past has ceased to grow
Between planks, the revenge became my obsession,
The shaman has shouted his spell
The spirit of the undead
Has seized my soul, my life
But I'm alive :
I feel them in my nerves
The sensations after death
Inexhaustible need of flesh and need of blood !

See my body in pieces
Choped in half, dismembered
But I'm still reforming
Cursed !

You can try to steal my soul
I'm not like the others :
I am a living dead
Undead !

I'm into cadaveric state !

Krokméboul le Pitbull Cool

Ce clebs, bouffe le cul des passants
Avec ses crocs bien tranchants
Le problème des p'tits culs croquants est bientôt réglé
Car voilà Lucas qui arrive complètement torché
Bien décidé à rentrer se pieuter
Car l'effet de la bière allié à celui du tarpé
Brouille ta visibilité
Au volant tu commences à comater

Dans l'obscurité, t'entrevois une forme qui te fait flipper
Tu ressens la présence d'une chose qui ne cesse de te fixer
Surgissant des ténèbres, ça s'éclate entre tes roues et les pavés
C'est Krocméboul que tu as écrasé !

T'auras beau lui balancer des parpaings pour l'écraser
Tu l'entends toujours couiner : il faut l'achever
Abréger ses souffrances, son passé on s'en balance
Le laisser vivre tient de la démence, un petit peu de décence
C'était l'chien familial : tu f'ras des économies de Pal
Il faut que sa mort soit brutale : une explosion cérébrale
T'auras beau lui balancer des parpaings pour l'écraser
Tu l'entends toujours couiner : il faut l'achever !

Tabasse son corps brisé pour qu'il n'y ait
plus un signe de vie dans sa carcasse
Débarrasse-toi du corps, enterre-le
sous un gros tas de caillasses
Devant son cadavre meurtri, tu trouves
cette scène bien dégueulasse
La vue de son sang et l'odeur qui s'en dégage
te font poser une grosse gerbasse

Car l'effet de la bière allié à celui du tarpé
Brouille ta visibilité
Au volant tu commences à comater
Dans l'obscurité, t'arrives toujours pas à cuver
Le clebs est enfin mort,
On peut dire qu'il t'en a fait baver
On pourra se promener
Sans risquer de se les faire croquer
Mais t'es bien trop bourré, tu vas te coucher, oui ?

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