Cardinal Sin (PR) : Resurrection

Thrash Metal / Puerto-Rico
(2004 - Khaosmaster Productions)
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As we become more subtilized in our minds
We can perceive different ways of energy and light
Everything is life
Everything is alive with conciousness

Living in the dark at the edge of reality
Not knowing what's real what's not and what's in between
Manipulated souls blinded by masterminds
Reality that's truth and lie at the same time

When you dream you go away into another dimention
You can explore experience it's like an inner extention
Your other self

In my dreams reality means nothing at all
Everything is possible I am in control
A place where there's no fear
A place I wish was real
How come a mind so powerfull
Can be as well so weak
Not capable of understanding our hidden abilities

Live and die Play the part
Don't ask why Agonize

I wonder about demons UFO's, deities
Could they all be real
maybe they're just fantasy
Were we created by God
Or did we evolve
I'll never know the answers to the mysteries
Of this world


When we inhale the first breaths of life
And our eyes see for the first time
Into a world of shame divided by pain
very easily defined

When you see yourself alone
And you wish you were someone else

Induced to believe our problems won't get
any worse than they already are
The truth is we stand to always fall
Hope seems so very far

When you see yourself alone
And you wish you were someone else

Why me ?
Why am I dwelling here ?
Why me ?
I'm living in a dying sphere
Why me ?
Slave to cowards with power
Why me ?
Very soon it will be over

Where does the answer lie
While we talk the planet dies
We want you to give a hand
That's the purpose of this band
We want to help you see
What's happening to you and me
This place is now to be
America land of the greed

Stop it no more bullshit
We speakthe truth just let us be
Tired of this bullshit
Only our music will set us free


Born to a material world
Where greed and envy reign
Never care for anyone
Just for what they can gain - Ha !

Obsessive anthropoids
Futile aquisition
Of things to be relinquished
At the time of your perdition
They think that happiness
In trivial things is found
Let's see how much is worth
When you're six feet underground

Childs of uncomformity
What others have they want
Ask them to help the hungry
They rather die than give a hand

No love in your heart you live such a pathetic life
You're a die hard born to shop buy everything in sight
You rather get new clothes than to buy your children food
Tell me something once you die what good would it do
Ther's never enough

Born to a material world where greed and envy reign
Never care for anyone
Forever live in vain


Strange thoughts blazing through my head
A nether darkness is where I've been led
The world has nothing to offer me
Sometimes I think i wasn't meant to be

Is it attention? Is it love I want ?
Or is it the end pleading in my heart ?
My will is weakened by my disbelief
Death could be my only hope for relief

There's no other way for me to turn
Confussion and sorrow is all I've earned
My life has been a total waste of time
A slice of the razor and I'll be fine

Crying out Pleading out
Heard is no sound
Life to choose Win to lose
Straight to the burial mound

request to rest to end my sorrow
Request to rest No tomorrow

In pain
I dwell
My life
Is hell

Now my eyes only see red
All the pain that I've been fed
Why can't anybody care
For you and me Nothing is clear
Why am I here ? Who'll dry my tear ?

No !
I got no right to take my life
No other answer but to fight
Will not give in
Someday I'll win,
because we must fail to get it right

We don't choose to be born
Much less when to die
We're not to decide
It's just one life to live
Don't throw it away
Love will find it's way


A sentence of death
A choke is my last breath
A mistake has given me my life
A homicidal trend
At the border to the end
Pain comes ripping like a knife

Sucking my limbs
I lose you win
Let me live don't drain my soul
As soon as I'm done
Like many more to come
They will throw me in a hole

Breaking me tearing my limbs
Grabbing me crushing my ribs
The only thing that will be left
Is my empty crib

Victims of manipulation
Never enter the population
Genocide Infanticide
All across the nation

Clock is ticking fast
A chance is all I ask
Save your own begotten son
Avoiding my reality
Gambling with your sanity
Remember where you came from

A shallow room a stench of doom
A shattered dream fills my empty crib
A void is left
A soul without rest
I died before I ever lived

6. R.G.S.O.T.

Look at the sky 'cause It's turning red
Nothing to do we shall be dead
The push of a button Apocalypse can begin
Why do we have to die for others to win
You made your bomb as you preached for peace
When will hipocracy ever cease
I won't fight for expression of your hate
It is your bomb and it's your mistake

Many millions who died during the wars
Many mutations and horrible scars
Those who lived the pity holocaust
Living reminders of warefare's cost
We know the ones who started all
We gave them power and now we'll watch them fall

Take away our hard working green
To make the most powerfull machines
Who gives a damn if you win or lose a war
Like things are marching the end is not far

Nobody got the right to take our lives
How can we make peace with such a threat in mind
They are leading us to the abyss
Tell our rulers they can sit on this
They think the world is theirs to do what they want
About the people they really don't give a fuck
They cheer for victory death is for us
Lets waste the bastards nail'em to a cross


Written on the walls are the names who fell under their seige command
Nobody can erase them but have dared to forget the mortal men
What about the people who await their family to come back
They suffer for reasons that nobody can or will understand
Until they experience the loss of flesh and blood
That's what we have to do so we can be the country's sons

The maniacs who killed humanity
They won't even die of insanity
They force you in with persistence
Like the choice you have for existence

It's only a life we lose
Only a life we lend
You can always make another one
It's only a life my friend



Human beings
Is that what you call yourselves
Human beings
If you think you deserve respect
But there's nobody we can blame for the misuse of our name

Emptyness lashes unmercyfully
Time seems to stop against my will
I rip in the fangs of a slavering beast
Against the mighty hall of the still

Ashes of pride
Euphoric suicide
When hell turns to Ice
When hell turns to Ice

Pitifulness sleeps in my head
Washing away all this mess
How can I actually pretend
If I'm worth more than the rest

Criptic missionaire
Sailing the roaring seas
There's no spot on this earth
Where I can be pleased


I won't march the protest lines
What do you think ?
Am I out of my mind ?
Listen to me
Ears close on my words
I'm nothing but I help
To keep alive the world
It's painfull to knowledge
The difference of thoughts
Even the deepest feelings
With wealth can be bought


Living dangerously
But breathing worse
Impurity Anarchy
Endless source of waste
And who will respond to this call? You?

Don't think twice
Because hell turns to Ice
When hell turns to Ice
When hell turns to Ice


You need my lethal dosage
That deadly poison that flows through your veins
Little by little get's worse every time
Your life goes down the drain

Your mind is overshadowed
Ruins remain through your system
Your blood is in my hands
I feed on your lack of wisdom


Flashbacks become a habit
Your mind is on a lease
Devoured inch by inch
Devoured piece by piece


Rudely enjoyed suicidal habits

Now that I own you
Disconected your soul from your mind
Put you to death made you new
gave you a taste of my wine
You dwell within my evil
You are troubled you are in pain
Too late can't get out of here
Your sacrifice becomes my gain



(No lyrics available)


Since the begining of time
man has been obsessed
with finding the means
to his own extermination
Yes, it's the way of mankind
the way it shall be 'till the end
Pinacle to all ignorance
what we don't understand
we must destroy

Thousands of living species
disapear into oblivion
Irreparable the damage caused
to the delicate balance of the ecosystem
Human imperfection
our terminal disease
Like we have proven before
man is his own worst enemy

How can we be the source
of such stupidity
Why do we always have to be
testing the fragility of life
Increasing warmth of the atmosphere
or a sun blocked by nuclear dust
That's the edge The end of the line
To achieve our own extintion


(No lyrics available)


(See lyrics on track 5)


(No lyrics available)

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics