Broadcast The Nightmare : Twenty-Twelve

Hardcore / USA
(2009 - Sumerian Records)



Trauma held my hand in the fire, I won't play dead for you and my eyes will not burn through.
Have I not made myself clear, does this line of
fire have a clue of what i'm about to do.
Help holds little faith once this place sets off, there will be nothing left to rescue.
I'll give you reason to keep quiet, a gun in your mouth talks quick to shut you up.
No need for a clean getaway, this will end in a bloody mess.
Hold your fire, my hostage will not confess with what i've done.
You want me come get me, I'm not coming out alive.
This heart of stone, buried under broken bones.


To think your soul has a price, worth more to what life had bargained for.
Your ultimate sacrifice destroys all you adore.
Rebirth shines in truth, paramount the ignorant vision. With perfect speech repeats in the pride of illusion. Follow the fear, control already made your
Unfold your mind, search for your own answers.
Wicked tongue
Of order preach what you've never done.
Broadcast oblivion.


Announce betrayal in season to plot, slow breaths charade with what liars conflict caught.
I set the trap.
Bait mistakes victim, a victim in full collapse.
How selfish to haunt your own nightmares without my help. There's no dreams in hell. Do not awake to expect my voice.
Nothing personal.
Attention is all you'll ever need, regardless on delivery. As long as anatomy takes lead, you'll stay happy.
In response of laughter held such a purpose to insult.
And I cant stop this riot.
My apologies for logic to come off so violent.
In all honesty my praise goes to you.
Proving disaster will always carry you.


Curse at such a blasphemy, unless time repents itself. Within righteous atrocity leads greed to repeat itself. Followed by temptation.
Calamity shines (thrives) hand in hand; limb from limb.
Followed in temptation.
We're killing til kingdom come.
When will death find me.
Please take me now. Blood and tears will shed our only
When death finally finds me, I'll be sure to meet you there.


Your routine gives monotony a run for change.
Hunt til dawn opens my eyes, I'm still losing my mind. Charisma will be heard, just not by me.
To think I'd be fine deserves more than you knowing my name.
To think for myself could care less to whom would be ashamed.
Countless sheep I will pray for you.
Such a voice will reap as they prey on you.
Pronounce this bride to be reborn.
May safety in denial keep you warm.


We'll catch your breath on impact to kill you.
Not to worry the worst is over.
Our shadows will cloak the sun, under distress to move you.
No need to hurry.
Statues lead a stray.
Lost has found a way to escape.
I'll be damned if coincidence doesn't strike me down.
The worst is over once we hit ground.
We'll catch your breath if the gasp awakes too late.




Devastation has given the sake of shelter a run for cover. Privilege escapes to what safe once was.
Ancient warnings hold your shallow legends to deserve much worse.
Lost text have met fire to become our own curse.
Sacred liar, replace your routine.
Media will give hope in a lasting horror scene.
Edge of your seats have nothing on what you're about to witness.
It was written in our blood to spell finish.
Our only chance lies in the glorious risk.
To be more than what fear created.
Blessings collapse under a tirade tongue.
Belief kills any choice of your own.
Apprehend your fate.
There is no life; there is no death; only this dream.
There is no first; there is no last; regrets useless when you're dead.


False whispers have led your finger to point the blame at everyone but yourself.
How dare i rain on your parade, spoil what you've become.
Admit has held you afraid to say i told you so.
With alcohol to lay you down to sleep.
Pray that your own fault wont come back to haunt you. Epiphany will watch you weep from failure that became true;
Regret will pursue.


Feeble minds move swiftly.
Fragile hearts come quickly.
Listen to the sound of consequence, when forever comes crashing.
With action to be taken miles away.
I am in no state for compromise.
Comfort comes too close to keep distance between us.
With moments to catch regret until I stay.
Cast aside the life I've waited for.
She is the hope that calls me home.
We are the score, perfect in sync for being alone.
For what it's worth, I'm coming home.

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