Bane And Illusion : Bane and Illusion

Black Ambient / Finlande
(2006 - Auto-Production)
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Two millennia before brought the age of peace
Evil bound to the west in its agonizing defeat

Under the cold dark sky of the enchanted black
History brought to legend the fate of the miksa

An omen ghosting in the night as shadows crawling in the depths
Not a matter of time but life and survival

Now birth of the ancient child she lives in the ruins of past
To preserve their place in time, in life and victory

To hide from the life, strung from the neck
Forbidden steel dream and dead religion

Into the still stream of unforgiving death
Bitter clenched teeth, skill thy mind

One of the dying piercing the skin
Blade sharp wits while enemies parish

Spells of her mind, not the might of fist,
will crush the yyslan and to the mighty Kurne...


At the hands of the blade
At the hands of the blood

One of the dying, one of the dead

Unexpected one,
Rise from the grim defeat of your ancestors
The fury, the lust. the might


Fardrum is struck once more
Chaotic solace spreads across the scape
Green hill tops turn to vast wasteland
Stench of evil menace thickens the air
From rot of the rat
To decay of the man
The darkness consumes all life
Coating over the Plains of Fardrum

The weak succumb to the death
The strong buckle to their knees
Under the enchanted dark
Life no longer exists

Hunters grip your blades
Sharpened eyes match sharpened arms
Sunken valleys of hope's illusion
Fore the unknown bane roams

Greedy paws of Satan claim these fields
The bane of a dark Lord

Desolate lands, lit no more
The barrens, ruled once again
By yours truly,
Lord Kurne


In the halls of Midreal:

A noble old soul who sits in watch
Under the powers of Lord Kurne
The black skies spread, the yyslan army grows
But left, pearched on throne, to wait.

In him the evil grows,
The blood of the dark Lord pulses through his veins
His blade decays at his side
Wartime hard lines aging each passing day.

Lord Andrus Kalgan
Slave to the dark Lord Kurne


Shadows claim the eroded stone
Truth yet be seen in the caliginous alley
No truth exists
Only lies

Where no sane dare to dwell
Following the same dark path
Trailing the Lord of the yyslan
Satan, father of the darkness

Kept from the weak
Old raven court
Satan reigns in
Old raven court
There are no truths
In old raven court
Lord Kurne reigns in
Old raven court
Worship Kurne in
Old raven court

Hidden behind a visionists spell
As the black painted plague
Strengthens the darkness in thee

An absolute control of Fardrum
As control is absolute when
Fear blinds the truth
In old raven court...

Kept from the weak
Old raven court
Satan reigns in
Old raven court
There are no truths
In old raven court

Lord Kurne's tower
Citizens blind to such existence
Stands proud for the secrets
It holds from the straying eyes

A one noble court
Crisp swaying trees
Connect the peasants to the skies
Cool rain water spouting
From raven's carved beak

Such simple times led to
Such destruction of society
Destruction of infrastructure
Destruction of old raven court
The crumbling stones show sign
Maintaining the realm is no goal
To mutate it to disease and chaos

Saved from the storm
Old raven court
Satan reigns in
Old raven court
There are no truths
In old raven court...

Fear the black painted plague
Next comes your liberty

Lurking in the shadows
Silhouette on the walls
Madness tastes like nothing
The alley those will see
No truth exists
In old raven Court


At the end of the great war the evil inhaled its last breath. The sake of honor proved victorious in the hall of Three Cities Council. Touching the heart of Midreal, the citizens witnessed the signing of an oath. The blood of man sealed the fate of Kelevara and the beginning of a new age, the Age of Peace.

For two thousand years the realm of Kelevala rested its tired soul. Its wounds of war healed while simultaneously stemming new arms to the south, Ridge Rock and Firestrum. During these quiet but busy times the oath sat in silence, tucked away from curious eyes in the chamber of miksa -- The Great Hall. Those minds who inked the parchment aged and passed on with moving time. Thus the oath fell further into the darkness, from out of sight to out of mind. Silence delivered to the new generation absurdity and ignorance. This swept the realm and calmly blinded those most important eyes who led the citizens of Kelevara, till the end of the era.

At the turn of age, two thousand years after the victory: the desperation of a paranoid elder, one who sees the truth of evils, surfaced the primeval oath from its deep slumber and brought it forth to the Lords. But ignorance was quick to turn the blood oath away with a firm hand. When justice ran at the council steps six mere months later only the darkness of Lord Kalgan was found. His defeat was inevitable at the hands of truth.

The breaking of the oath.

paroles ajoutées par xavier74 - Modifier ces paroles