Baldrs Draumar : Til Horisonten

Pagan Folk / Netherlands
(2009 - Self-Produced)
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What is the howling of the winds different than the far Cry of our ancestors?
What is the rustling of the shore but a soothing speech Before battle?
We have a deep admiration for our makers’ hands, though we Fear their fury.
We cherish the rough mountain sides as we love our sons, The seas are our daughters.
And the gods? They are on our sides as a loving wife in Times of glory and despair.

Sons of Vegtam! Tonight we sail!
Have no fears when we stride the serpent lord his mighty Halls.
Either we return, or we dry our clothes at the high fires.
The blood of our enemies shall cover the green fields, as If they were cloaked in red.

May our axes guide us to victory!
Sail now! To the horizon!


Sword nor axe could touch him
Unharmed by forged steel
Gods trying their weapons
Found him hard to kill

The pledge was sworn, the god was safe
Nothing to care about
But lovely little Mistletoe
Was too weak to swear
Kept a mysterious secret
One burden more to bear

As fast as light came Mistletoe
Flesh and heart he pierced
Soaked the ground with guts and blood
By word and oath preserved
But what he did and what he’d done
The righteous god of wisdom
Was never hailed in battle hymns
Though true came Baldr’s dreams

Ancient giant Loki
Intended to take the light
From he who was immortal
Against power, sword and might

In everlasting darkness
Hod took up a spear
And killed with it his brother
Slaughtered like a deer
Earthly life came to an end
But Baldr’s soul lived on

As fast as light came Mistletoe
Flesh and heart he pierced
Soaked the ground with guts and blood
By word and oath preserved
But what he did and what he’d done
The righteous god of wisdom
Was never hailed in battle hymns
Though true came Baldr’s dreams

Baldr’s dreams!
Baldr’s dreams!

3. HVA FAEN ?!

At night we sailed over the sea to conquer foreign land
The wind was strong the waves were high but we didn’t care
Our ship was fully loaded with beer, more beer and beer
We sailed to find Britannia but we landed here…

Hva Faen sjonge wy mei it bier yn’e strôt en de hoarn yn’e Hân rint it fogt ûs oer de lea.
Hva Faen sjone wy en wy drinke derbei oantemei ûs dea!
Hva Faen sjonge wy mei it bier yn’e strôt en de hoarn yn’e Hân rint it fogt ûs oer de lea.
Hva Faen sjone wy en wy drinke derbei soks seagen wy nea!

No rocky shores, no sloping hills as beacons in the dark
Then suddenly, with a clash, the boat struck on a rock
We didn’t know what to do, we were too drunk to think
The only thing we realized is that we started to sink

The darkness went and daylight came as we reached the shore
But this was not the land we were looking for
Hva faen?!

Hva Faen sjonge wy mei it bier yn’e strôt en de hoarn yn’e Hân rint it fogt ûs oer de lea.
Hva Faen sjone wy en wy drinke derbei oantemei ûs dea!
Hva Faen sjonge wy mei it bier yn’e strôt en de hoarn yn’e Hân rint it fogt ûs oer de lea.
Hva Faen sjone wy en wy drinke derbei soks seagen wy nea!

Wy bleonen mar yn Fryslân, jawis en werklik wier
Want die mannen fan it Fryske lân dy drink ek graach bier!
Nei in skoftsje hienen wy har froulieu en sprutsen wy har Taal
No tûzend jieren letter hearre jimme ûs ferhaal!

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