Ataraxie : Project X

Death Doom / France
(2011 - Weird Truth Productions)
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For so long I've been walking on the path of my life
This way it hurts my feet but bravely I'm going on
Straight ahead, with no staff to support me

Around me, the landscape remains the same
It used to please me, it now turned grey
Around me, I see barriers to infinity
I cannot escape my destiny

A long time ago, this way I've chosen
Cause I couldn't cope with suffering
A sign said "Felicity at the end"
I started walking and now I'm going on

All I want is to fly away, to leave this gloomy road
I'm now waking up and I don't want to follow it anymore
But wings I don't own, my salvation is lost
As I'm used to, I keep walking

As I reach the bottom of my doom
A light appears and shines through the night
This is not the end of my road, it's another path
It snakes away to another life

For too long I've been walking on the path of my life
Time has come to make the choice
For too long, I've been walking on the road of my faith
Pray for me to do the best


I see my blood flowing like an endless river
Red is my blood, pale becomes my skin
I creep like a snake so as to reach my last bottle
Like a painter with is picture, I spread my own blood on the floor

Cruel god, why don't you end all this suffering
Why are you so cruel to me, you're a sadistic

Let me join my paradise where freedom reigns
Stay in your wisdom of hypocrisy
My last breath!

Let humans decide their own destiny
They don't need your rules, they are stupid
And then, I plunge into darkness

I saw my blood flowing like an endless river
Red was my blood, pale became my skin
I crept like a snake so as to reach my last bottle
Like a painter with is picture, I spread my own blood on the floor


The world flows around me
I'm not swimming along its currents
As a rock in this muddy river
Alone I stand in its floods

I'm hiding behind a mask
Doom rules my world
Tyrannic king of my mind
While I show up this smiley

The reason of my despair
Is the possible loss of my love
I can't help, you're on my mind
I can't help, to love you... to hate you

Without you, life is tasteless
The flavours all fade to grey
Without you, light is darkness
The colours all seems the same

Wheat decays on its stalks
Burnt inside like my soul
Birds shot down while flying
Down in flames like my heart

Endless night on my mind
Will obscure all my thoughts
Forever, my wounded flesh
Will pour tears because you're gone

I'm hiding behind a mask
I'll destroy it for you
Sweetest queen of my mind
When you are mine forever

The world flows around me
I'll swim again along its currents
When water becomes clear again
When we are one forevermore

The reason of my despair
Is the possible loss of my love
I can't help, you're on my mind
I can't help, to hate you


My wounds are widely opened now
Time has come to plunge into despair
Darkness is the only wish of this world of sorrow

There is no place for joy in my bleeding heart
I cannot reach my inner peace
That I deserve during my grieving moments

Someday I will drown myself into my neverending tears
Someday I will see myself dying of eternal sufferings

My blood is frozen into my veins
All I can feel is this loneliness
Which has been invading me for countless years
Which is leading me to these eternal sufferings
Which has been leading me to these eternal sufferings

Someday I will sleep eternally in the arms of mother nature
Someday I will be decaying in my own lifeless corpse six feet under


I'm dying
Laying on the bed that will be my last one
The faces of my beloved surround me
They'll all pass me away

I have no fear
My time is done and it's time to leave
Nothing remains of me
But my dying body that lies in this circle of tears

My eyes will soon close
And my soul will reach its new home
The empty shell of my body
Will turn into dust and ashes

And suddenly it is done
I watch my corpse, flying upon him
I've got nothing to do here forevermore
It's time to leave now.

I'm dead now
Sat in Charon's boat, I'm reaching my new home
Into the isle of the dead, he'll lead me
Where I'll rest for the end of times

I have no fear
The floods are filled with lost souls who'll try to get me
But they won't take my spirit
Because I'm already done with life

My eyes will soon see
The giant trees and the island's hole-filled cliffs
My ethereal and living soul
Will reach its eternal sleep

And slowly we cross the lake
I watch the shore, craving to touch it
I'm so tired, please let me die
It's is time to rest now


Beneath the old dying sun
Of the land where I walk
Lay there a foundation of stone
The seed of human passionate tears

Rising from this plain of ashes
A cross made for all peaceful souls,
A large monolithic dead tree
Covered with millions crowns of thorns

Covered with millions crowns of thorns

Unholy thoughts, I see distant lights
Guiding me to a new state of being
Unholy thoughts, the mask is changing
All my emotions on a burning canvas

Black matter covering my words
Thousand screaming pictures of myself
Iron blades dancing waltz
Kissing my flesh like sordid lovers

A red sun replaces my empty heart
Illuminating my bloody memories,
I confess my sins in a broken mirror
Without any God to hear my past

Slowly I fall, I crawl, I suffocate
Into the arms of dancing abyss,
At the heart of everything that exists
Between our first and last cry

Here is my unholy prayer
For all these mechanical slaves
To a life without sense, without honor
Everything collapses as the first signs of a new decay

Follow my steps towards the island of perdition and endless sighing
Carry your dreams to the graves of infinite emptiness
Here is my gift to you, my voracious appetite, eating your hope
And all your futile thoughts drowning in the earth and the waves of time

Obscure symbols running all over me
Soul obsessed by a truth that doesn't exist
I lost every parts (sic) of myself

As I walk to this light
All of my steps are a little death
Before the ultimate fall to Nihil

Unholy prayer, inverted desires
I've thrown all virtues into confusion
Unholy prayer, inner sacrifice
Perfection of this black circle


So many tears have been flowing on my grave,
So many flowers have been withering on it
Alone in this jail, I hear the wind caressing my gravestone

Loneliness is timeless and my sufferings endless
Silence. I can't stand it. I hate It
I feel the vermin swarming through my body
My limbs are decaying like old fruits

I'm doomed to stay here, my soul is trapped
Who condemns me? Why?
What have I done?
Where is my god?

No one is perfect, we all are sinners
Humanity is what it is
Who has the right to judge us?
Neither a god, nor human beings


Le désespoir me transperce et m'envahit,
Je suis las de cette misérable existence,
Ces souffrances tant subies me donnent envie de vomir

Pessimism is the eternal flames (sic) that shines in my eyes,
Nothingness is the place I want to reach until now
The anguish that tortures me gives the will to end this life somehow
Who will help me to free my soul from my body?

Finally, angels of death come to me and sweep away my soul
During this long trip of eternity I remember my last memories
My worst memories, I remind (sic) them now

At the entrance of this new world I wonder if my suffering will cease
So anxiously I open the gates and behold the place of my eternal rest
This will be my last trip to eternity



Some memories are so deeply printed in my brain
That they have never ceased to exist
I would rather have left all of them at burials
And then consider a less destined dire fate

I was suddenly forsaken, weaned and excruciated (sic)
And couldn't get that feeling out of me

I had put my trust in them...

I should have learnt (sic) earlier life
In order to be warned about the other side of the coin
I should have lived all these memorable and addictive moments
From a more distant view

Just because no lesson will ever tell you
How to avoid these sharp glass-scraps drilled

So hurt yourself, fall into the grave
Buried by your fellow ones and re-emerge stronger
But don't think a single instant
That you were built up better than your challenged neighbour

Your creator has followed the same recipes
Engraved on the stonework of rotten ideals
Written by a congregation of idealists
Believing that moral order will ever remain on earth
And convinced that hell is a place isolated from earth
Where only evil dead men are thrown
Our curse is here and every human
Can experience its burning flames at every single moment

So look behind you, always mistrust people around you
And put barriers wherever you have to
Don't hesitate to spit at theirs (sic) faces when required
Or ignore them like squashed dead animals
But never forget to watch from the distance
And never complain about your unfair misery

A jamais, nous serons condamnés à emprunter
Ce chemin tourmenté d'amères déceptions
Ces leçons de vie ne feront que nourir
L'eau létale qui abreuve notre ineffable aversion

Et cette conscience béante alimentant
Les bons sentiments solidement suspendus à l'abîme
Damnés, exilés ou graciés,
Non prières ne nous ouvriront aucune porte vers les cimes


Every day this nausea of life is growing
Deep inside my sickening mind
Like a cancer these torments weaken me
And will undeniably endanger my life someday

Too proud to confess these sufferings
I keep on walking with these thorns beneath my feet
Yet the wounds are still there and torture me
Finally they become completely infected

So many loveless nights I have spent
Shedding all the tears from my body
So many times I have tried to hide
These signs of weaknesses on my face

Je voudrais atteindre l’ataraxie que je mérite tant.
L’absence d’émotions dans cette âme mourante
Qui saura me libérer enfin de ces tourments.


Tired of roaming among lie-thirsty deceitful living creatures
Snubbing their stinking venomous acts like escaping pestilence
I can’t hold down that nausea towards these lugubrious beings
Force-fed of vain hopes and waiting patiently their ends to come

Claustrophobic but confined in my own expended carnal prison
Doomed to endure seeing them smiling, breathing, crying and living
Watching them disguise their falsity and emphasize their sociality
To finally decide to betray the faithful ones they’re supposed to appreciate

Willing to crush their bones with my own hands and leave them in misery
To make them pay their fallacious betrayals and striking disloyalty
The lacerate their flesh and make them drink their own impure blood
To finally break their necks and leave their remains to famished worms

Las de toute cette accablante puanteur et hypocrisie
Résigné à vivre dans un monde n’exaltant que làcheté et infamie
J’aimerais tant que cette réalité disparaisse dans l’effroi general
Et que tout cette pathetique humanité se noie en un onirisme lachrymal


Neverending shrilly shrieks echo all around the earth
Thunders burst and announce the imminenent sentence
Threatening nauseous skies overhang these decaying soils
Suddenly, sky begins to split and discharge all its waste
Over this doomed and vermin contaminated soils
Des corps inertes gisent le long de berges inondées
Et diffusent autour d’eux une odeur putride et avaciée
Les eaux s’imprègnent de cet aròme cadaverique
Qui peu à peu gagne rivières, fleuves, mers et oceans
Puis condamne et anéantit toute forme de vie persistante.

Then come the worms, cockroaches and other flesh eaters
Elebrating the end of aimless life and deserved death

And glorifying the absence of lies, guiles and hypocrisy
Euphoric ceremonial through rotten skin consumption
Unholy funeral chants about the death of mankind

Des lambeaux de chair tapissent ce paysage morne
Et anéantissent lentement mais inévitablement toute cette vie.
S’en suit la decomposition de toutes ces chaires faisandées
Qui retournent au néant le temps du soufflé d’un vent.
Puis tout signe de vie s’efface et l’anhédonie prend place.

Finally comes the congregation of purifying darkened clouds
Glutted with looming acid rain and death emanations
Ready to liquidate any form of obsolete useless existence
And clean each soiled stone and parcel of fouled ground

Then come the void, nothingness and other earth eaters
Mourning the end of aimless life and deserved death


Das tote, dem Untergang geweihte Gestirn
Entblößt die allmächtigen Schwingen
Welche, vom Licht verbannt
In eisigem Grabe darliegen

Der in seinem Ich erstarrte Fels
Folgt dem nächtlichen Schrei
Des totgeweihten Engels
Und gebärt die schwarze Schlange
In den Schoß des reinigenden Zerfalls

Die Hure mit den vergifteten Augen
Von finst'rem Mondschein erhellt
Ist wie keusche Blasphemie
Inmitten tiefschwarzer See

Nur wenn steinerne Ketten geboren in
Knöchernen Schrein
Den Strom meiner animalischen Zweisamkeit zur
Quelle der dunklen Macht erheben

Wird es die Losung sein
Welche du vergaßest
Wie den Stuhl
Den man eine geraume Zeit vermißt


O painful life when will you decide to leave this weakened body to let my soul rest in peace
O grieving heart when will you finally cease to beat and stop the stream that is flowing through my veins

Disillusioned are my dreams
My will to leave has expired
Rotten are my last hopes
Please death come and make it end

Sorrow has replaced my joy
So ephemeral in my life
Abandoned is my spirit
Once so strong in my dreams

And loneliness is killing me
Nothing is worth for evermore
Now nothingness dwells in my mind
Letting me rule the ruins of my life

Buried now are my last hopes
Please death end this agony

Sorrow has replaced my joy
So ephemeral in my life
Abandoned is my spirit
Once so strong in my dreams

And loneliness is killing me
Nothing is worth for evermore
Now nothingness dwells in my mind
Letting me rule the ruins of my life

Je voudrais vider ce corps de tout ce sang
Et purger ainsi tous ces membres contaminés par la mélancolie
Toutefois ma fin est proche car mon esprit a sombré dans la folie

Oh funeste prophétie accomplis toi donc et délivre moi de cette vie

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