Pirosaint : Streaming new track

Dimanche 26 Mai 2013 - 10:08:48 par Pirosaint

NY Metal band Pirosaint have released the first promo audio/single of its upcoming album "Pirosaint". The brand new track "A New Yesterday" is available to streaming below:


"A New Yesterday" features original singer Gonzalo Rodriguez, this is the first recording available with the band since the EP "New God" in 1997. The music was been recorded at Oily Sound Studios in New Windsor, NY by Ignacio Orellana and the vocal tracks were recorded at Nacrur Studios by Andres Nacrur in Santiago, Chile. The mixing and mastering was done at Ignacio Figueroa's studios in Viña del Mar, Chile. The albums is expected to be release late 2013 or beginning of 2014. Another track will be released in the next few weeks along with a lyric video.

Drummer Ignacio Orellana commented:
"… As we said it when we started in 1989… - Warriors will never Surrender - so, Now in 2013 - We're here again, Now the Warrior have learnt … bring Metal back.. bring Pirosaint back!! -

Its been a real pleasure to work again with our original vocalist Gonzalo, it feels home… and this song is about that…, on how the band has always found the way back to Metal… we are looking forward this album… it will contain pure classic Metal music… Hope you enjoy it like we are doing it!"

For more information please visit www.pirosaint.com or Bandcamp.

Source : http://www.digmetalworld.com/


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