
Date de parution:

Circle Lines

EP, 01 Décembre 2009, Auto-Production

Ten Page Pilot : Circle Lines


1. Metropolitan And Circle Lines
2. In the City
3. Get a Life
4. ..And God Denied the Bullet..
5. You're Fire

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Into the Eyes of the Armed

Album, 28 Mai 2011, Auto-Production

Ten Page Pilot : Into the Eyes of the Armed


1. Democracy
2. The Fool with the Jarhead
3. In the City
4. We Call Ourselves Diplomats
5. Echo in My Head
6. Ten Page Pilot Hero of the Century
7. Loss Is Bitter
8. Lady Spin Lady 1969
9. Into the Eyes of the Armed
10. Metropolitan and Circle Lines
11. Cumulonimbus
12. Supernova

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