
Date de parution:

Dies Irae, Dies Illa Solvet Saeclum in Favilla

Demo, Avril 2009, Auto-Production

Ptahil : Dies Irae, Dies Illa Solvet Saeclum in Favilla


1. Dies Irae, Dies Illa Solvet Saeclum in Favilla

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MCD, 31 Octobre 2009, Stronghold Records

Ptahil : Ortus


1. The Infinite Truth of the Word of God Is Translated by Corrupt Fallen Man 09:58
2. Dies Irae ! Dies Illa ! Solvet Saeclum in Favilla ! 18:58
Total playing time 28:56

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Anti-Flesh Existence

MCD, 28 Mai 2010, Stronghold Records

Ptahil : Anti-Flesh Existence


1. In Ritual to Yam
2. Universal Extinction
3. Anti-Flesh Existence

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The Black Fire

Demo, 24 Septembre 2010, Auto-Production

Ptahil : The Black Fire


1. World Ablaze
2. The Black Fire
3. Gate Of Nanna*

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May She Destroy the Cosmos, Drunk on the Blood of All Life

MCD, 22 Avril 2011, Stronghold Records

Ptahil : May She Destroy the Cosmos, Drunk on the Blood of All Life


1. May She Destroy the Cosmos, Drunk on the Blood of All Life
2. Fuck This World
3. Gate of Nanna

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For His Satanic Majesty’s Glory

Album, 14 Novembre 2011, Wraith Productions

Ptahil : For His Satanic Majesty’s Glory


1. The Great Satan 05:10
2. For His Satanic Majesty's Glory 05:13
3. The Black Fire 04:08
4. Lilitu 04:30
5. Regards Foreman Exu 03:14
6. The Black Flag of Total Death 04:44
7. Deathwish 04:45
8. World Ablaze 04:08
9. The Gate to the Kliphotic Anti-World 08:51
Total playing time 44:43

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The Almighty Propagator of Doom and Despair

Album, 21 Décembre 2012, Wraith Productions

Ptahil : The Almighty Propagator of Doom and Despair


 Satanicus Sabbathicus
 Possessed by Death
 Semen, Blood and Shit
 Mors Aut Libertas
 Pact with the Devil
 The Almighty Propagator of Doom and Despair
 Hell Spells and Satanic Rituals

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Single, 15 Avril 2013, Stronghold Records

Ptahil : Lamashtu


1. Lamashtu 04:32
Total playing time 04:32

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Born Against

Album, Juillet 2014, Arctic Music Group

Ptahil : Born Against


1. Born Against 06:59
2. Don't Drink from the Waters of Lethe 03:12
3. Beyond the Pale 06:52
4. Witches' Lust (Sluts of Satan) 06:01
5. Eulogy of the Gods of Illumination Who Embellish the Darkness 11:31
Total playing time 34:35

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As Baltimore Burns... Live at the Circuit

Live, 05 Mai 2015, Stronghold Records

Ptahil : As Baltimore Burns... Live at the Circuit


1. Born Against 08:06
2. Possessed by Death 08:05
3. The Black Fire 04:08
4. For His Satanic Majesty's Glory 05:32
5. Don't Drink from the Waters of Lethe 03:41
6. Pact with the Devil 07:16
7. Fuck This World 05:17
Total playing time 42:05

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Box Set MMXV

Box Set, Juin 2015, Orthodox Productions

Ptahil : Box Set MMXV


4 pro-tapes with printed shells, limited to 100 copies.
1. Anti-Flesh Existence / Ortus 52:37
2. For His Satanic Majesty’s Glory 44:43
3. The Almighty Propagator of Doom and Despair 42:37
4. Born Against 34:35
Total playing time 2:54:32

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