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Biographie : Legion Obscure

The first thought to start a new band was born in mind of founding member Jarldrahn (chant& axe).He planed this project for a long time but there were no another musicians with so strong devotion to black metal as he was. In summer 2005 Jarldrahn met Sambor (battery& scream) and they decided to do a new project together. After founding a rehearsal room they started working on a songs. In the middle of october demo Synovia Slovanskej Zeme (transl. Sons of Slavonic Land) is recorded. In the same time a new member joins a band called Svantovith (axe). So the final line-up is Jarldrahn, Sambor & Svantovith. The post of bassaxe is still empty.

Source : http://legionobscure-horde.ic.cz/Biography.html